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Traduzione - Inglese-Olandese - Need two sentences translated for a friend.

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Need two sentences translated for a friend.
Aggiunto da johnreitano2
Lingua originale: Inglese

"Here's our way of thanking you."

"Scan the QR code with your cell phone."
Note sulla traduzione
These two sentences will be printed on a card. The tone should be clear, but not overly formal.


Tradotto da Lein
Lingua di destinazione: Olandese

"Op deze manier willen wij u bedanken."

"Scan de QR-code met uw mobiele telefoon."
Note sulla traduzione
This is polite, but not overly formal - the way you would address customers you don't necessarily know, for instance. Informal, for instance for young people or people you know fairly well, this would be:

"Op deze manier willen we je bedanken."

"Scan de QR-code met je mobiele telefoon."
Ultima convalida o modifica di Lein - 19 Agosto 2013 11:20