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Traduzione - Ebraico-Inglese - הקאמבק של מקדונלדס מפתיע את המומחים

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הקאמבק של מקדונלדס מפתיע את המומחים
Aggiunto da hilatamir
Lingua originale: Ebraico

לפני זמן לא רב היה נדמה שפג תוקפה של אימפריית המזון המהיר מקדונלד'ס. המכירות צנחו, המוצרים החדשים לא המריאו והחברה זכתה לקיתונות של ביקורות מפעילים בתחום הצרכנות, תזונאים ואחרים שחששו מפני מגמת ההשמנה ההולכת ותופחת בארה"ב. אפילו המניה החסינה שלה דישדשה באזור ה-12 דולר למניה ב-2003.
Note sulla traduzione
אנגלית אמריקנית

The comeback of McDonalds surprises the experts

Tradotto da dramati
Lingua di destinazione: Inglese

Not so long ago it seemed as if it was the end of the line for the fast-food empire of McDonald's. Sales fell, their new products didn't take off, and the company received lots of complaints from consumer protection workers, dieticians, and others who were worried about the problems with obesity that are developing in the United States. Even the stock shares were trampled down to about 12 dollars a share in 2003.
Note sulla traduzione
דישדשה means trampled, but, in translation to spoken day-to-day English, it would be better to say "Even the stocks tumbled to about 12 dollars a share in 2003." which is the intention but not the letter of the accurate translation of the words here.
Ultima convalida o modifica di IanMegill2 - 17 Ottobre 2007 05:24

Ultimi messaggi


13 Ottobre 2007 13:06

Numero di messaggi: 773
Instead of "consumer protection workers" it should say
"consumer protection activists"

13 Ottobre 2007 15:15

Numero di messaggi: 972

Totally correct. The word in Hebrew was "workers" but the intent, when translated into English, could very well be activists. The Hebrew language uses another word for activists.

13 Ottobre 2007 15:43

Numero di messaggi: 972
Further to my last post

The Israelis also use אקטיהיסט to absolutely define the difference between consumer protection workers who, in Israel, are government employees, and consumber protection activists which, to my sorrow, is not a very big movement in this country. If we were discussing the peace movement, or human righs, or womens rights, then it would be completely clear that we are talking about activists (NGOs and the such) rather than a government agency to protect the above.