Cucumis - שירות תרגום מקוון חינם
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תרגום - צרפתית-רומנית - solidarite avec les peuples qui souffrent

מצב נוכחיתרגום
הטקסט נגיש בשפות הבאות: צרפתיתרומניתערבית

solidarite avec les peuples qui souffrent
נשלח על ידי hstdyu
שפת המקור: צרפתית

solidarite avec les peuples qui souffrent


תורגם על ידי Freya
שפת המטרה: רומנית

solidaritate faţă de popoarele aflate în suferinţă
הערות לגבי התרגום
"peuple" = "popor", "populaţie", "persoane";
sau "solidari cu popoarele aflate în suferinţă"
אושר לאחרונה ע"י iepurica - 18 ינואר 2008 09:07

הודעה אחרונה


13 ינואר 2008 18:46

מספר הודעות: 1910
Vesna, why do you think my translation is wrong ?
Aren't you sure about the meaning of "aflate în suferinţă" ? Literally it means "which are in pain/which are suffering."
You must express your opinion if you want your vote to be taken into consideration.

Thank you.

15 ינואר 2008 16:28

מספר הודעות: 2102
Vesna, there was a question regarding your vote. Would you answer, please, so I can evaluate the translation?

16 ינואר 2008 18:09

מספר הודעות: 1910
In Romanian is either "solidaritate FAŢĂ DE cineva" (solidarity towards somebody) or "a fi solidar CU cineva sau ceva " (to be solidary with someone or something), and the proof is here written in Romanian. I use a lot this site, it's helpful.

16 ינואר 2008 18:35

מספר הודעות: 1910
Off, ce ţi-e şi cu solidaritatea asta.
Cred că o să las "cu popoarele" până la urmă. Îmi sună bine şi aşa. Am văzut că pe Google, lumea foloseşte şi "solidaritate cu cineva" aşa că, "dacă poporul a decis, facă-se voia poporului." Eu oricum am auzit şi cu "faţă de": "Îmi menţin solidaritatea faţă de tine şi te ajut. "

16 ינואר 2008 19:17

מספר הודעות: 1910
Acum e bine tradus, oare ?

18 ינואר 2008 09:07

מספר הודעות: 2102
Cum Vesna nu pare a fi prea impresionată de mesajele noastre şi cum toţi ceilalţi spun că asta înseamnă, validez traducerea.