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Prevođenje - Brazilski portugalski-Engleski - Eu sei que não sou a pessoa melhor do mundo, mas,...

Trenutni statusPrevođenje
Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: Brazilski portugalskiEngleski

Kategorija Pismo / E-mail - Ljubav / Prijateljstvo

Eu sei que não sou a pessoa melhor do mundo, mas,...
Poslao marijanearantes
Izvorni jezik: Brazilski portugalski

Tia Mary

Eu sei que não sou a pessoa melhor do mundo, mas, quero que saiba que a amo demais, esse tempo que eu te conheço, voçê me ensinou muitas coisas, inclusive amar, viver e ser feliz.
Mas eu ainda tenho esperança de que um dia eu seja um orgulho e uma das razões da sua felicidade.

T. R.
Primjedbe o prijevodu
é uma pessoa que eu amo muito e quero que eu seja o seu orgulho no futuro. o inglés a ser traduzido é dos EUA

Aunt Mary

Preveo lilian canale
Ciljni jezik: Engleski

Aunt Mary,

Perhaps I'm not be the best person in the world, but I want you to know that I love you so much. During the time I've known you, you have taught me many things, including loving, living and being happy.
I'm still hopeful of becoming a pride and one of the reasons of your happiness one day.

Posljednji potvrdio i uredio lilian canale - 5 studeni 2008 01:48

Najnovije poruke


1 studeni 2008 15:02

Broj poruka: 13
I know I am not the person best in the world, but ...

Aunt Mary

I know I am not the person best in the world, but I want you to know I love you too, this time I know you, you taught me many things, including love, live and be happy.
But I still have hope that one day I am a proud and one of the reasons for his happiness.

T. R.

1 studeni 2008 15:08

lilian canale
Broj poruka: 14972

1 studeni 2008 15:09

lilian canale
Broj poruka: 14972
You must be kidding!

CC: camilabfc

1 studeni 2008 15:14

Broj poruka: 13
Why? I did not understand your question? I put that his sentence is wrong because I think a few words does not write like that. It is a view mine.

1 studeni 2008 15:20

lilian canale
Broj poruka: 14972
I'm sorry Camila, but your "correction" is totally wrong.
We ask our users to display in their profiles only those languages they are really skilled at and able to help us evaluate.
Obviously you don't master English at a suitable level that may allow you evaluate any text. The same with Spanish, therefore I'd suggest that you limit your performance to Brazilian Portuguese, your mother tongue otherwise your profile might be deactivated for spamming.

1 studeni 2008 15:27

Broj poruka: 13
Lilian OK! As you wish. I'm here to help the translations, they asked if my help is because they really know how. I do not want disagreements. I am here to share my knowledge in foreign languages, as I said, some words are written and spoken of two or more ways.