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Source language
Portuguese Quem e voce
Quem e voce

Translations to be evaluated
Russian Russian - Quem e voce Translated by Lyckraj
Кто ты?
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language

Translations to be evaluated
Я люблю тебя, ты жизнь моя.
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[I think the meaning of this translation is right]
[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
English To learn a new language
Hello, I had the idea to learn the greek language, as I'm thinking to go to live to Greece, one day.
You could send me some photos with your telephone !

Translations to be evaluated
Γεια σας, μου ήρθε η ιδέα να μάθω ελληνικά, καθώς σκέφτομαι να πάω να ζήσω στην Ελλάδα κάποια μέρα.Θα μπορούσατε να μου στείλετε μερικές φωτογραφίες με το κινητό σας τηλέφωνο!Ciao!
"μου ήρθε η ιδέα"- προκειμένου ν'αποφευχθεί επανάληψη του σκέφτηκα/σκέφτομαι. (User10)
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
English Billy Connolly will be returning to Stone Street...
Billy Connolly to Film Pickups for ‘The Hobbit’

Billy Connolly will be returning to Stone Street Studios to shoot some continuity footage for The Hobbit once he finishes his current stand up tour of New Zealand reports Stuff.NZ.

Translations to be evaluated
Billy Connolly Hobbit için Ara Görüntüsü Çekecek

Stuff.NZ'nin haberine göre, Billy Connolly'nin şu anki Yeni Zelenda 'stand up' turnesini bitirir bitirmez Hobbit filmine birkaç süreklilik görüntüsü çekmek üzere Stone Street Stüdyoları'na dönüyor olacak.
'Pickup' ve 'continuity footage'ın tam Türkçe karşılıklarını bilmiyorum. İşkembe-i kübramdan salladım :)
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Italian abbracciami e non lasciarmi qui lontano da te...
abbracciami e non lasciarmi qui
lontano da te
abbracciami e fammi eludere
che importa se questo è il momento in cui tutto comincia e finisce
giuriamo per sempre però

siamo in un soffio di vento che già se ne va*

c'erano le parole
c'erano stelle
che ho smesso di contare
perso nei giorni
senza una raggione
nei viaggi senza ritornare

ora tu non spiegare
tanto lo sento
dove vuoi dolore
quando la notte
tirera il mio nome
nessuno ricorderà

Translations to be evaluated
Sarıl bana ve beni burada senden mahrum bırakma
Sarıl bana ve ayrılmama izin ver
Her şeyin başladığı ve bittiği bu zaman eğer önemliyse
Sonsuza kadar olacağımıza yemin ediyorum

Biz ayrılırken bir esintiyizdir

Bunlar kelimelerdir
Bunlar yıldızlardır
Ben saymayı bıraktım
Günleri de kaybettim
Bir neden olmaksızın dönülmez yolculuğa başlarım

Şimdi sen açıklayamıyorsun
Benim hissettiÄŸim bu kadar ÅŸeyi
Geceleyin nerede acı çekiyorsun?
Adımı söyleceksin ve hiçbir şey hatırlamayacaksın
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Türkiye de yaşamayı hiç düşündün mü?
Türkiye de yaşamayı hiç düşündün mü?

Translations to be evaluated
Have you ever thought about living in Turkey?
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[I think the meaning of this translation is right]
[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Spanish Traigan el balde porque nos están exprimiendo
Traigan el balde porque nos están exprimiendo

Translations to be evaluated
Bizi sıkmak için kovayı getiriyorlar.
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[I think the meaning of this translation is right]
[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Mongolian Эсгий хийх тоног
Эсгий хийх тоног

Translations to be evaluated
Оборудование по производству войлока.
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[I think the meaning of this translation is right]
[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Spanish Aventuras de Koty
¡Hasta dónde podrás llevar a Koty!

Koty es el héroe de este juego, con Él viajarás por el Sistema Solar, pero cuidado, los Kabones quieren derribarte, tendrás que evadirlos o lanzar una bola de fuego si estás en aprietos.

La situación puede cambiar dependiendo del planeta en que te encuentres, la gravedad en cada planeta es diferente y el Espacio no tiene gravedad, así que no te confíes, también deberás recoger las monedas que encontrarás en el camino, consigue la mayor puntuación, compite con tus amigos y demuéstrales quién es el mejor.

¡Recorre el infinito Espacio, demuestra hasta dónde eres capaz de llegar!

Para móviles y tabletas.

¡Estamos para ofrecerte más actualizaciones gratis!
Descripción de un juego

Completed translations
Brazilian Portuguese Aventuras de Koty
Translations to be evaluated
Как далеко вы можете зайти в Коти!

Коти это герой этой игры, с ним вы будете путешествовать по Солнечной системе, но будьте осторожны, остерегайтесь Кабонеса который хочет сбить вас вниз. Что бы пройти его вы должны уклониться или запустить огненный шар.

Вас ждут разные уровни, ситуация может измениться в зависимости от планеты, где вы находитесь. На каждой планете разная гравитация. Также вам необходимо собирать монеты, которые вы найдете на этом пути. Вы можете соревноваться с друзьями набирая очки, и узнать кто лучше.

Прогулка бесконечным пространством, которая покажет, как далеко вы можете зайти!

Для телефонов и планшетов.

Также вас ждут новые обновления!
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[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Latin Canis cum tauro pugnam inire ...
Canis cum tauro pugnam inire parabat et “Facile vincam,” dixit, “namque dentibus longe melior sum.”
Sa latinskog na srpski. Hvala

Translations to be evaluated
Спрема се пас да се бори против бика и каже "Лако ћу победиту, јер много боље уједам".
Буквално би било "јер сам бољи са дугим зубима"
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[I think the meaning of this translation is right]
[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Italian Dio ha fatto un regalo al mondo quando sei...
Dio ha fatto un regalo al mondo quando sei nata,una persona che ama e si prende cura,che capisce i bisogni degli altri,che incoraggia e aiuta la gente,che spende energia per gli altri piuttosto che per se stessa,che fa la differenza nel mondo.Possa l'amore che hai mostrato verso gli altri tornare a te moltiplicato.Possa il tuo compleanno essere magnifico come te.Tanti auguri di buon compleanno sorellina.
tuo affezzionatissimo fratello Giuseppe

Translations to be evaluated
Твоје рођење је поклон свету од бога, ти си особа која воли и брине, која разуме потребе других, која подстиче и помаже људима, која троши своју енергију на друге пре него на себе, која чини разлику у свету. Нека ти се вишеструко врати љубав коју си другима пружила. Нека твој рођендан буде величанствен као што си ти. Желим ти срећан рођендан, сестрице.
Твој привржени брат Ђузепе
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[I don't know]
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Azerbaijani Men seni cooox sevirem
Men seni cooox sevirem

Translations to be evaluated
Я очень тебя люблю.
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Turkish imgelemim
Biz aslında yokuz. Hiçbir zaman olmadık hatta. Şimdi bırakalım da inanalım sonuna kadar, olmayan yarınımıza.

Translations to be evaluated
De hecho, nosotros no existimos. Es más, no hemos existido nunca. Ahora, creamos completamente en los mañanas que no existen para nosotros.
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Mongolian Хэн танд хайртай вэ ?
Хэн танд хайртай вэ ?
Français de France.

Translations to be evaluated
"Qui aimez-vous ?" ou "Qui aimes-tu ?"
Selon le degré d'affinités ou de familiarité avec la personne destinatrice de ce message ce sera le tutoiement ou le vouvoiement qui sera à retenir. Compte tenu que la phrase est courte je retiendrai le tutoiement mais je ne connais pas le contexte.
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Korean 설레어요, 그대를 생각하면 여전히
설레어요, 그대를 생각하면 여전히
의미가 전달될수 있게 부탁드립니다

Translations to be evaluated
Si vous pensez encore que j'ai flirtẻ
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
English Tantine Donation
Tantine, expert and moderator of the free translation community (, has been fighting against cancer for years. She has a tight budget for medical treatments, so she opens the donation link (, and everyone who has a Visa or MasterCard credit card may help her, in whatever amount from cents to euros/dollars.
If you do not have a credit card, you may also contact her directly to see what you can help.

Happy New Year 2015!

Tantine's Blog:

Tantine's Facebook:
Please disseminate this information to your world.

Completed translations
Spanish Donación para Tantine
Brazilian Portuguese Tantine Doação
Thai บริจากให้แก่แทนทีน
German Tantine Spende
Turkish Uzmanımız Tantine
Swedish Tantine - donation
Polish Darowizna dla Tantine
Norwegian Innsamling for Tantine
Portuguese Doação Tantine
Greek βοηθείστε την Tantine
Danish Tantine Donation
Russian Пожертвование для Тантайн
Romanian Donații pentru Tantine
Dutch donatie voor Tantine
Translations to be evaluated
Tantine, serfrøðingur og kjakleiðari á ókeypis umsetingartænastuni (, hevur stríðst við krabbamein í fleiri ár. Hon hevur eina tepra fíggjarætlan til medisinska viðgerð, so hon biður um stuðul umvegis leinkjuna (, tey ið hava Visa ella MasterCard kunnu hjálpa henni, uttan mun til hvørja upphædd frá oyrum til krónur.
Um tú ikki hevur keypskort, kanst tú seta teg í samband við hana beinleiðis og kanna hvussu tú kanst hjálpa henni.

Gott Nýggjár 2015!

Tantinusa Bloggur:

Tantinusa Facebook:
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[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Spanish Pero, ¿dónde estás vivendo ...
Pero, ¿dónde estás vivendo actualmente?
Text corrected/diacritics edited <Lilian>

Translations to be evaluated
אבל, איפה אתה גר כרגע?
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Latin Exceptis tamen libris quinque planetorum dandis...
Exceptis tamen libris quinque planetorum dandis singulo anno
Hey! Could you help me with this sentence please? Thanks

Translations to be evaluated
(Weil) dennoch fünf herausgenommene Bücher über Planeten innerhalb eines einzelnen Jahres zu übergeben (sind)
"herausgenommene" bedeutet hier vielleicht "entliehene".
Der lateinische Satz ist nicht vollständig, daher ist auch die einleitende Konjunktion "weil" in Klammern; es könnte beispielsweise auch "obwohl" oder "nachdem" sein.
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Turkish Okulum nedeniyle Vana yerlesecegim.ordaki...
Okulum nedeniyle Vana yerlesecegim.ordaki adresimi bildirecegim

Translations to be evaluated
I will move to Van because of my school. I will let you know my new address.
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Turkish Yeni fragman Transformers ile gelebilir mi?...
Bence ilk fragman, Transformers ile gelebilir

Fragmanın gelmesi için Warner Bros filmine bağlı olması gerekmiyor. Mesela Gravity vizyona girdiğinde 47 Ronin filminin fragmanını vermişlerdi sinemada ama o Universal filmiydi.Çok büyük potansiyeli olduğundan PJ bu fırsatı kaçırmaz.

Translations to be evaluated
I think the first trailer may be released together with Transformers.

In order to be released, the trailer doesn't need to be attached to Warner Bros. For example, when Gravity came out, they demonstrated 47 Ronin in the cinema, but that was a film of Universal. PJ would never miss this opportunity as it has enormous potential.
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
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