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This translation request is "Meaning only".
Thai อยู่ด้วยกันได้แค่ 6 ...
อยู่ด้วยกันได้แค่ 6 วันต้องเลิกกันซะละ จริงๆ เราก็ชอบเธอทุกอย่างนะ แต่ข้อเสียข้อเดียวของเธอนี่รับไม่ได้จริงจัง บับบายยย 🌇

Translations to be evaluated
We've been together just for 6 days, but we're broke now.
The truth is I like everything about you, but only a big one fault of yours is really unbearable, bye.
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Icelandic Ég samþykki að og samstarfsfólk framkvæmi á mér...
Ég samþykki að og samstarfsfólk framkvæmi á mér sjónlagsaðgerðina með laser.hefur skýrt mér frá tilgangi eðli og afleiðingum aðgerðarinnar sem hann velur til að meðhöndla sjónlagsgalla minn hvort sem það er nærsýni fjarsýni eða sjónskekkja

Translations to be evaluated
Eg samtykki at X og hjálparfólk hansara kunnu eygnaskurðviðgera meg við lasara. X hevur greitt mær frá ætlan, eginleikum og úrslit av skurðviðgerðini hann velur at viðgerða brekið við, hvørt tað er nærskygni, langskygni ella bygningsbrek.
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Thai ตกลงไปวันพรุ่งนี้ป่าวเนี่ย งง ละ Pai Dai ...
ตกลงไปวันพรุ่งนี้ป่าวเนี่ย งง ละ

Pai Dai

ว่างตลอด ไว้พรุ่งนี้ค่อยว่ากานอีกทีก้ได่

2 ว่างตลอด ไว้พรุ่งนี้ค่อยว่ากานอีกทีก้ได่

1/ งง อะไรหรอ.

2/ก้น้องแต้วตอนแรกบอกว่าง นี่ไม่ว่างแล้ว


2/ น้องแต้วด้วย

1/ อ่อรหอ.

2 / อืม เหมือนทีนี้ขาดน้องแต้ว เลยคงต้องนัดใหม่มั้ง

1/ เข้าใจละ.

2/ เพราะตอนแรกรอนัดแล้วไม่ได้ตอบ เพื่งรุ้ว่าไม่ีเน็ต555
This was a chat between my daughter and his female friend. I would like to know the suspected nature of their relationships and content of the convasations. Thank you. American English please

Translations to be evaluated
How about tomorrow trip? I wonder.
Pai Dai <-(This might be the transliteration of "I can go")
I'm free all day so we can talk about it tomorrow.
2. I'm free all day so we can talk about it tomorrow.
Or this is not related to Taew? (Taew might be her junior.)
1/ Huh, what?
2/ Taew said she's free, but now she's not.
1/ I'm the one who said I'm free.
2/ Taew too.

1/ Is that so.
2/ Yeah, and if she can't make it we might have to make a new appointment, I guess.

1/ I see.

2/ I've waited for no reply, I just know now that she didn't have internet. lol
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Thai Some text from twitter, Thai to English
1)เวลาที่ต้องการ 'อะไร' มากๆ จนเกิดเป็นความทุกข์ ให้หาข้อดีที่มีเหตุผลในการได้ครอบครอง 'อะไร' นั้นสัก 3 ข้อ

2) แค่ข้อแรกก็ตันละ

3) ดำรงอยู่บนความเป็นจริง วางแผนจากสิ่งที่มีและศักยภาพที่ตัวเองสามารถ

Translations to be evaluated
1) When we really need "something" and become suffer, tries to find 3 good reasons of possessing that thing.

2) Even my 1st reason I've yet to think it of.

3) Stay in reality, plan from what you've got and the possibility of your latency.
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Spanish mece la cuna deshabitada
mece la cuna deshabitada

Translations to be evaluated
Κουνάει το ακατοίκητο λίκνο
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Serbian znajuci problem V prisao sam da mu pomognem da...
znajuci problem V prisao sam da mu pomognem da resi svoj problem. Nakon telefonskog razgovora sa V otisao sam u Srbijun i sastao se sa V i D u pokusaju da rese problem.Razgovarali smo u jednom restoranu i dogovorili da dam posao V a da to bude uradjeno u D pogonu.Dogovor je znacio da kada mi D isporuci 20 kamiona robe V nema vise nikakvu obavezu prema D .Vremenski rok zaispunjenje ovog dogovora nije preciziran
zahvalio bih se unapred prevodiocu i naglasio bih da mi ovo treba za sud unapred hvala

Translations to be evaluated
knowing the problem of V, I approached to help him solve his problem. After a telephone conversation with V I went to Serbia and met with V and D in an attempt to solve the problem. We talked at a restaurant and agreed that I would give the job to V to be performed in the D (fabric) part. The deal meant that when D delivers 20 trucks of goods to me, V no longer has any obligation to D. The deadline for the fulfillment of this agreement was not specified.
Srećno na sudu...
D pogon - da li se radi o (fabričkom) pogonu?
Ako nije fabrički - treba izbaciti ono "fabric" u zagradi.
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish tatlım öncelikle aklım ve kalbim daima seninle...
tatlım öncelikle aklım ve kalbim daima seninle bunu unutma.ben fethiyedeyim, eylülde ankaraya dönücem,hemen inglizcemi geliştircem,sende türkçeni geliştir seni türkiyeye bekliyorum çünkü ben bosna herseğe gelirsem,seni almadan dönmem:)

Completed translations
English I am in Fethiye now.
Translations to be evaluated
Bosnian Bosnian - U Fetiju sam Translated by zciric
Draga, moje misli i moje srce su uvek sa tobom, ne zaboravi ovo. Sada sam u Fetiju. Vratiću se u Ankaru u septembru. Odmah ću poboljšati moj engleski. Ti usavrši tvoj turski, takođe. Čekam te u Turskoj, jer ako dođem u Bosnu i Hercegovinu, neću se vraćati bez tebe. :)
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Latin haec si tecum patria loquatur nonne impetrare...?
haec si tecum patria loquatur nonne impetrare debeat?

Completed translations
English If the homeland talked to you...
Translations to be evaluated
Ако ти се домовина обрати,
зар је не би требало прихватити?
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Czech Ať Vám to v příštím roce klape.
Ať Vám to v příštím roce klape.
Jedná se o text PF založený na použití slovesa "klapat" ve smyslu fungovat.

Completed translations
English I wish for you that everything will ...
French Que tout vous réussisse pour cette nouvelle année.
Danish Jeg ønsker
Portuguese Desejo que tudo te corra pelo melhor...
Spanish Quisiera que...
Croatian Neka vam sve ide dobro sljedeće godine.
Translations to be evaluated
Bosnian Bosnian - Želim vam Translated by zciric
Želim vam da vam sve ide u sledećoj godini.
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Russian Я получу все, что хочу
Я получу все, что хочу

Translations to be evaluated
Θα τα λάβω όλα, αυτά που θέλω
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Swedish Jag tycker att det är fult att du kallar Fanny...
Jag tycker att det är fult att du kallar Fanny för att prata. Hon är den ända tjejen som man kan lita på,pratar varken med polis eller människor.
Hon ha aldrig satt dit dig för något,Hon har aldrig tagit en krona av mig eller någon annan. hon gjorde allt för dig,tyvärr såg du inte Fanny om ursäkt. Med vänlig hälsning Serben nu ha hon flyttat ner hit för gott, förlovat oss igen och ska gifta oss. Så de rycktet du spridit om henne ta igen det,annars måste jag komma upp på ett kaffe besök!

Translations to be evaluated
Ja mislim da je ružno što ti nazivas Fanny pricalicom. Ona je jedina cura kojoj se može verovati. Ne priča ništa ni policiji ni ljudima.
Ona te nikad nije izdala. Nikada nije uzela ni pare od mene ili nekog drugog. Sve je učinila za tebe. Nažalost ti to nisi video. Izvini joj se. Srdačni pozdravi Srbin.
Ona se sad odselila dole za uvek. Ponovo smo se verili i vencacemo se. Tako da povuci te glasine što siris o njoj, inače ću ja morati da ti dodjem tu gore u posetu.
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[I don't know]
Source language
French Je m'appelle toujours Swoboda et suis fier de ce...
Je m'appelle toujours Swoboda et suis fier de ce nom typiquement allemand.

Completed translations
Spanish Mi nombre es (siempre) Swoboda y estoy orgulloso de este nombre típicamente alemán
Brazilian Portuguese Me chamo sempre Swoboda e tenho orgulho desse nome típico alemão
English My name is still Swoboda and I'm proud of ...
Italian Mi chiamo sempre Swoboda...
Translations to be evaluated
שמי הוא עדיין סוובודה ואני גאה בשם הגרמני טיפוסי הזה.
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[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Chinese traditional 亲爱的,你是不是已经把我给忘记了,我想你了
US English

Completed translations
English Dear, you have already forgotten me
Translations to be evaluated
Draga, nisi me zaboravila, zar ne? Nedostaješ mi.
Draga (f.) - Dragi (m.)
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
French Les cicatrices
Les cicatrices sont la preuve que l'on a été plus fort que ce qui a essayé de nous tuer.
Bonjour, j'aimerais avoir la traduction de cette phrase qui me tient à cœur, en grec ancien.
Merci d'avance :)

Translations to be evaluated
Οι ουλές είναι η απόδειξη ότι είμασταν πιο δυνατοί από εκείνον που προσπάθησε να μας σκοτώσει.
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[I think the meaning of this translation is right]
[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Italian ci si limita a ribadire
ci si limita a ribadire
<Bridge by alexfatt>
"People are confined to confirming/reasserting"

Translations to be evaluated
Вы имеете предел для подверждения
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
French Je suis le maître de mon destin, le ...
Je suis le maître de mon destin, le capitaine de mon âme.

Penser que la vie humaine ne peut être régie que par la raison, c’est nier la possibilité même de la vivre.

N’aie pas peur de rêver plus grand.

Car tu es mon secours, et je suis dans l'allégresse à l'ombre de tes ailes.
<edit> "maitre" with "maître"-as this is the way it reads- as well as "n'ai" with "n'aie"- as at the imperative mode one writes it with a final "e"- "alégresse" with "allégresse"-right way it reads-</edit>

Note for the translator : For the requested Hebrew version : First sentence is to be translated using female gender, while the last sentence is to be translated using male gender.

Translations to be evaluated
אני שולטת בגורלי, אני הקברניטה של נשמתי.
לחשוב שהחיים האנושיים יכולים להתנהל רק על פי ההיגיון משמעו לשלול את עצם היכולת לחיות אותם.
אל תחשוש לחלום בגדול.
הרי אתה ההצלה שלי, ואני שמחה לחסות בצל כנפיך.
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[I think the meaning of this translation is right]
[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Hebrew מה איתך את בארץ
מה איתך את בארץ

Translations to be evaluated
Ами ти на страната
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Tagalog yayaman ka nyan batch gbi na
yayaman ka nyan batch gbi na

Translations to be evaluated
you'll get richer batch, it's night already
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Greek Σε σκέφτομαι κι εγώ! Καλή συνέχεια να έχεις
Σε σκέφτομαι κι εγώ! Καλή συνέχεια να έχεις

Translations to be evaluated
Io penso a te e a me! Buona fortuna
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[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
Source language
Chinese simplified 煤矿发电厂项目
主厂房立面通过汽机房、除氧煤仓间和锅炉间形成自然高低错落、层次 分明和前后呼应的效果。
This is an extract from a coal mine power plant project.

Translations to be evaluated
The main building facade passes through the steam turbine house, the deaerator-coal bunker bay and the boiler room, creating the effect of a natural level of scattering, well balanced and well joined.
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[I think this translation is almost right but may be improved]
[I think the meaning of this translation is wrong]
[I don't know]
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