More about me I am an architect. This means that my work is to draw pictures of buildings so that the people who are going to build them can make them so that they fit together properly and are good to look at and live in. I am also supposed to draw them so that they don't fall down. That's the hard bit - you have to spend a long time at architect's school to learn all about it.
Meira um meg Eg eri arkitektur. Hetta merkir at mÃtt arbeiði er at gera tekningar av bygningum, so at fólk sum fara at byggja, kunna gerða teir at teir passa væl saman og eru góðir at liva Ã. Eg eri eisini ætlaður at tekna teir, so at teir ikki detta saman. Tað er tað ringasta - tú má brúka langa tÃð á arkitektskúla, fyri at læra alt um tað.
Last validated or edited by Bamsa - 30 March 2008 21:29