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Translation - English-Hungarian - I am a lost smile...

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Category Thoughts - Love / Friendship

I am a lost smile...
Submitted by Dulcineea
Source language: English Translated by iepurica

I am a lost smile...
Remarks about the translation
It can not be better than that, is exactly what the words are saying. Hope it is ok.
In Romanian, we let the pronoun out, it can be understood from the context what should it be there. Can create confusion for people that are not natives, especially because "sunt" means both "are" and "am". For me, sounds much better if it is used "I am" instead of "they are". Because then it should be "Ei sunt nişte zâmbete pierdute...". Slightly different.
The expression is poetic.

Egy elveszett mosoly vagyok

Translated by buksi
Target language: Hungarian

Egy elveszett mosoly vagyok
Last validated or edited by evahongrie - 21 February 2007 12:45