225 لغة مصدر تتطلب هذه الترجمة "المعنى فقط". Mesye Mesye la kwa avanse pou lwe yo! Mesye la kwa avanse pou lwe yo! Maman Brigitte malad, li kouche sou do, Maman Brigitte malad, Pawol anpil pa leve lemo
Mare tet ou,mare vant ou,mare ren ou, Yo prale we ki jan yap met a jenou. Mesye la kwa avanse pou lwe yo! It seems to be Haitian Creole ترجمات كاملة Gentlemen of the cross ... Messieurs de la croix | |
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34 لغة مصدر vinger in de lucht vergeet niet je vinger in de lucht te steken Vinger in de lucht het is een grapje die ik maak om een zin kracht bij te zetten. ترجمات كاملة Finger in der Luft | |
245 لغة مصدر Texto do Chines Sun Tzu Aquele que conhece o inimigo e a si mesmo, ainda que enfrente cem batalhas, jamais correrá perigo. Aquele que não conhece o inimigo, mas conhece a si mesmo, à s vezes ganha, à s vezes perde. Aquele que não conhece nem o inimigo nem a si mesmo, está fadado ao fracasso e correrá perigo em todas as batalhas ترجمات كاملة Text of Sun Tzu | |
230 لغة مصدر تتطلب هذه الترجمة "المعنى فقط". You're my heart, my soul, I want to be ... You're my heart, my soul, I want to be with you until I'm old. You're my sunny sky, your thoughts dry my teary eyes. You're my angel disguised as my heavenly king. Come and take your rightful place on my throne. Your heart compliments mine, both made of solid gold."
Before edit : "your my heart my soul, i want to be with you till im old. ur my sunny sky ur thoughts dry my teary eyes. ur my angel in disguise as my heavenly king. come and take ur rightful place on my throne.ur heart compliments mine, both made of solid gold."<edit></edit> (03/29/francky) ترجمات كاملة Sen benim kalbim.. | |
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104 لغة مصدر Meu filho, como mainha vai sentir ... Meu filho, como mainha vai sentir saudades suas. Meu coração está apertando, só Deus sabe o quanto! Te amo, meu filhinho lindo. em italiano
<edit> maiha" with "mainha" and took the extra "ooooooooo" off the text, as it is written language, not spoken language</edit> (03/25/francky according to Lzzzz's and Lilian's remarks) ترجمات كاملة Figlio mio,... | |
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