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219 Γλώσσα πηγής Art Packs The themes are only as binding as the abstract genre allows them to be, and artists are free to project any construction of the subject they desire. Accompanying each pack is featured content, consisting of a featured member and several spotlighted artworks. Ολοκληρωμένες μεταφράσεις Pacchi d'arte | |
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141 Γλώσσα πηγής message reçu Elena senin yazdiklarina karsilik vermek istiyorum ama kontürüm az gönderemiyom. Burada internet yok otelden de cikamiyorum. Adana'ya ne zaman gidecegim belli degil..! Ολοκληρωμένες μεταφράσεις Message reçu | |
331 Γλώσσα πηγής Budget Screen 6 A screen that displays the... Budget Screen 6 A screen that displays the consolidated financial budget forecasts’ revision data. Click on the Execution button to start the progressive execution of the revision. After the revision is completed, the application displays a relevant informative message.
The application allows the user to delete the revised scenario issue. For details, see chapter 1 Budget Scenarios. Ολοκληρωμένες μεταφράσεις Бюджет | |
414 Γλώσσα πηγής Το ζητούμενο για αυτή τη μετάφραση είναι "μόνο το νόημα". We have security cameras instaIIed aII over the... We have security cameras instaIIed aII over the hoteI Nobody was there in the corridor. You can watch the tapes, satisfy your seIf Fine, go on. Be back soon. We have to meet , remember You must be tired. And you have a shoot.. There's nothing in the security tapes. I didn't see a girI We have aIso Iodged a poIice compIaint But unIess we get a cIue.. She wanted to become an actress, but she couIdn't make it That's why she is envious. Because I'm successfuI, she is not Ολοκληρωμένες μεταφράσεις Имаме инÑталирани охранителни камери | |
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