cxi tiuj estas mallongaj skribajxoj de la grandega kultura ejo kiun ni povis kolekti cxi tie, esperante ke estu konventa por vi kaj antauxe ni dankas pro viaj vidoj kaj rememoroj pri niaj skriboj. sciigu nin de mankoj.
These are brief writings from the enormous cultural site
These are brief writings from the enormous cultural site, which we could compile here. In hoping that they will be suitable for you, and we thank you in advance for reading and remembering our writings. Notify us of any omissions.
lilian canale에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2008년 4월 5일 23:13
I've taken account most of your suggestions, but, Tantine, I can't change "misses" for "mistakes" without harming the sense. The last phrase doesn't refers properly to errors, but to things that were eventually forgotten. Any other word?