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10원문 - 이탈리아어 - E' la quinta volta che lo uso. Era la quinta...

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E' la quinta volta che lo uso. Era la quinta...
번역될 본문
Oana F.에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 이탈리아어

E' la quinta volta che lo uso.
Era la quinta volta che lo usavo.
E' stata la quinta volta che l'ho usato.
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
2008년 9월 5일 10:05

마지막 글


2008년 9월 5일 15:11

게시물 갯수: 225
I'm sorry but it sounds like home exercises

2008년 9월 5일 15:58

게시물 갯수: 3706

Oana is learnig English verbal tenses from the Italian ones, and trying to figure the differences among them. I'd already translated some of those requests for her.

CC: Guzel_R

2008년 9월 5일 16:38

게시물 갯수: 225
OK, I didn't know of these details.

2008년 9월 5일 16:39

Oana F.
게시물 갯수: 388
Dear Guzel, I explain: they are exercises. We have already translated them in the class at University last semester, but I'm still not convinced about some choises of he tenses. You see, I post some sentences and I confront them with the translations we have done in the class. I have exam on Monday. None of Italian or English is my mother tongue. I am 31 years old and after seven years of University (bachelor and master), the Italian Unversities make me pass more and more exams in order to get recognized my diplomas. I hope it is clear.(don't ask me how many execises I've done from internet, you know, those that you can check)