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원문 - 루마니아어 - Inainte de a incheia o afacere, trebuie sa va...

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Inainte de a incheia o afacere, trebuie sa va...
번역될 본문
codruta.calinescu에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 루마니아어

Inainte de a incheia o afacere, trebuie sa va informati asupra conditiilor concrete oferite de partenerul ales.
2007년 10월 4일 08:50

마지막 글


2007년 10월 5일 19:44

게시물 갯수: 12396
The problem I'm having with texts without diacritics, codruta.calinescu, is that I simply cannot search the meaning of a Romanian word, because the online dictionaries I'm searching in do not recognize the word if it misses its diacritic(s).
As you are Romanian, I don't understand why you do not bother yourself typing a text correctly into your mother-tongue.
I simply cannot evaluate the translation because of that...(could you translate, Iepurica? Thanks a lot!)

CC: iepurica