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Překlad - Anglicky-Fríština - Message for people who submit translations on the message field

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Kategorie Web-site / Blog / Fórum

Message for people who submit translations on the message field
Podrobit se od goncin
Zdrojový jazyk: Anglicky

It seems you are submitting translations incorrectly. In order to do it properly, you must click on the blue [b]Translate[/b] button above and write your translation on the page that will appear.

The blank field at the bottom of this page is intended for posting remarkable comments concerning the translation or the original text.

Best regards,
Poznámky k překladu
Please leave [b] and [/b] marks as is, but translate the text between them.

Thanks! :)

Berjocht foar minsken dy oersettings foarlizzen op 'e berjocht fjild

Přeložil jollyo
Cílový jazyk: Fríština

It liket derop dat jim oersettings ferkeard foarlizzen. Om it op 'e krekte wiize te dwaan, moatte jim op de blaue [b]Set oer[/b] knop hjirboppe klikke en jimme oersetting skriuwe op 'e side dy't dan ferskint.

Het wyte fjild ûnderoan de side is bedoele om kommentaar te jaan oer de oersetting of oer de orizjinele tekst.

Mei freonlike groeten,
Naposledy potvrzeno či editováno jollyo - 6 červenec 2008 21:38