247 Език, от който се превежда Молбата е за превод само на смисъла. We are conducting some planning work the future... We are conducting some planning work the future and part of this includes heavy equipment and its use, from your cv I take you can operate a retch? I would be grateful if you could forward me your training certificates for heavy plant vehicles including the retch at your earliest convenience <edit>"conveinence" with "convenience</edit>(11/04/francky) Завършени преводи Bizler 我们æ£åœ¨è¿›è¡Œä¸€äº›æœªæ¥å·¥ä½œçš„规划... | |
293 Език, от който се превежда Nie uciekaj Nie uciekaj
nie odchodź Przyjaciółko jestem nie uciekaj komuś naprawdę zależy a ty tak nieładnie nie wierzysz
patrzę jak zamykasz siebie by powiedzieć światu że stracił sens zamykasz i płaczesz bo nie potrafisz inaczej choć ja jestem
powiedz mi Przyjaciółko gdzie ciÄ™ szukać powiedz jak ciÄ™ woÅ‚ać by przekrzyczeć to co w tobie krzyczy British English Завършени преводи Don't escape Ne t'échappe pas | |
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94 Език, от който се превежда Secundus ordo prophetalis est... Secundus ordo prophetalis est, qui plures continet libros secundum Iudaeos: horum principium a Iosue auspicatur. The author relates to the second of the three orders (Law, Prophets, Writings) into which the OT is to be divided according to Jewish opinion. Завършени преводи Prophetic books account for second part... | |
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167 Език, от който се превежда hola amiga Hola amiga, lindo hi5. Pasaba a dejar mi huellita pues me gustaria que nos conociéramos. Se ve que eres una niña muy linda. Bueno, me voy. CuÃdate mucho. Besos y ten un lindo fin de semana. xau Mi correo... Edited by <Lilian> before: Hola amigap lindo hi5 pasaba a dejar mi huellita pues me gustaria quenos concoieramos se ve q eres uan niña muy linda bueno m voy cuidate mucho kisses y ten un lindo fin de semana xau Mi correo
Завършени преводи Γεια σου φίλη! | |
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228 Език, от който се превежда Молбата е за превод само на смисъла. la migliore collezione di sofà . Offriamo la migliore collezione di sofà in tessuto, solide strutture garantite 10 anni,preziosi rivestimenti tutti completamente sfoderabili e lavabili. Poltrone e sofà fatti a mano su misura in Italia da esperti artigiani e tappezzieri. Poltronesofà , benvenuto in un mondo tutto tuo. bana anlatılsın yeter Завършени преводи en iyi koltuk kolleksiyonu | |
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