276 Source language This translation request is "Meaning only". -what remains of the ice cream is a small amount... -what remains of the ice cream is a small amount of indigestible, solid waste which is stored in the rectum. this is expelled through the anus. -the stomach's digestive juices are mixed with food. -they are absorbed into the blood stream -the muscle at the end of the stomach relaxes to left food through to the duodenum. İLGİNİZ İÇİN TEŞEKKÜR EDERİM Vertalings gedaan -Dondurmadan geriye kalan şey minik bir miktar | |
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418 Source language This translation request is "Meaning only". Tu ai plecat, dar poza ta Tu ai plecat, dar poza ta
Te-am aşteptat să vii până târziu Ce ai gândit nu pot să ştiu E greu să mă gândesc la mine Ştiu cum va fi viaţa fără tine Voi suferi multe nopţi şi zile Fără mângâieri, fără iubire De-acum tu eşti o amintire Şi o poză ce am de la tine
Mi-e frică de ziua care va veni Mi-e atât de greu ca să mai pot trăi Mai simt şi acum mirosul tău Pe care îl ştiam doar eu Nu cred că am să te pot uita La mine în gând te voi purta Tu care m-aşteptai la masă Doar pentru poza ta mai vin acasă. Diacritics added/Freya Vertalings gedaan You left, just your photo remained | |
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228 Source language Aš noriu važiuoti studijuoti į užsienį, kadangi... Aš noriu važiuoti studijuoti į užsienį, kadangi tai yra puiki galimybė tobulinti kalbos įgūdžius. Bendraudama su kitos šalies žmonėmis pasiruošiu tarptautinei veiklai. Susipažinsiu su kita kultūra, žmonėmis, praplėsiu savo akiratį. Įgysiu praktikos ateities karjerai. Britų Vertalings gedaan I want to go... | |
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240 Source language Abu Reyhan estas dirinta en Altafhim: ... estas... Abu Reyhan estas dirinta en Altafhim: ... estas la unua tago de la monato Fravardin kaj pro tio estas nomita Nova Tago cxar ke estas la unua de la jaro kaj gxiaj postaj tagoj tute estas ferioj. kaj Persoj pensas pri Nova Jaro ke gxi estas la unua monda tago post kiu la mondo ekzistigxis. Vertalings gedaan Abu Reyhan has said in Altafhim | |
425 Source language This translation request is "Meaning only". now anda again she would glance up at the clock,... now and again she would glance up at the clock, but without anxiety, merely to please herself with the thougt that each minute gone by made it nearer the time when he would come.there was a slow smiling air about her, and about everything she did.the drop of the head as she bent over her sewing was curiously tranquil.her skin- for her sixth month with child - had acquired a wonderful translucent quality, the mouth was soft, and eyes, with their new placid look, seemed larger, darker than before. lamb to the slaughter Vertalings gedaan Her geçen dakikanın onun geleceği vakti ..... | |
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400 Source language Experience certificate _______________ He has shown the kind of initiative which is necessary to be successful over the long-term in the _______________ field. He/She has excellent _______________ skills, yet remains focused on the overall needs of the client. I believe he/she will be a strong _______________ and has an excellent future in the _______________ field. He/She is a conscientious worker and has an excellent work ethic.
I recommend _______________ to you without reservation. العربية المصرية Vertalings gedaan شهادة خبرة | |
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47 Source language This translation request is "Meaning only". ebierazy agapi mu nase kala! eci kie aaliosz... Debierazy agapi mu nase kala! Eci kie aaliosz sagapało poli! To napisał mi mój przyjaciel i nie chce powiedzieć co to znaczy! Jest to dla mnie bardzo ważne, gdyż nie wiem jak dalej kontynuować naszą znajomość, gdyż podejrzewam że to może być coś o jego uczuciach do mnie! Vertalings gedaan Nie szkodzi, kochana moja, dopóki Ci dobrze | |
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