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Translation - Engels-Brasiliaanse Portugees - Hey! Thanks for the huge kiss :) my weekend was...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: EngelsBrasiliaanse Portugees

Hey! Thanks for the huge kiss :) my weekend was...
Submitted by 1224.prem
Source language: Engels

Hey! Thanks for the huge kiss :) my weekend was great and nice to talk to you. A tight hug for the sweet girl.

Oi! Obrigado pelo enorme beijo:)
High quality requiredBrasiliaanse Portugees

Translated by casper tavernello
Target language: Brasiliaanse Portugees

Oi! Obrigado pelo enorme beijo:)meu fim de semana foi ótimo e foi bom falar com você. Um abraço apertado para a menina encantadora.
Remarks about the translation
menina encantadora... para manter o padrão das outras traduções. :D
Laaste geakkrediteerde redigering deur Angelus - 15 Januarie 2008 21:11