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翻訳 - 英語 -ルーマニア語 - The administration team has decided to remove your translation

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: 英語 ルーマニア語ギリシャ語カタロニア語アラビア語オランダ語ブラジルのポルトガル語日本語ブルガリア語トルコ語ポルトガル語スペイン語ドイツ語イタリア語スウェーデン語セルビア語ヘブライ語ロシア語中国語簡体字リトアニア語中国語フランス語ポーランド語ラトビア語デンマーク語アルバニア語エスペラントフィンランド語チェコ語ハンガリー語クロアチア語ボスニア語ノルウェー語エストニア語韓国語ペルシア語スロバキア語クルド語アフリカーンス語アイルランド語ヒンディー語ネパール語スロベニア語ベトナム語ウルドゥー語タイ語

The administration team has decided to remove your translation
原稿の言語: 英語

The administration team has decided to remove your translation request ( "%t" ). Please understand that we receive many translation requests and we only treat those entered with as much care as possible. Please read our requirements before asking for a new translation (%r).
%t is the title of the translation.
%r will be a quotation of the text to be translated.
%t and %r must be kept unchanged in the translation.

Echipa de administratori a decis sa şteargă traducerea dumneavoastră.

翻訳の言語: ルーマニア語

Echipa de administratori a decis să şteargă traducerea solicitată ( "%t" ). Vă rugăm să înţelegeţi faptul că primim multe cereri de traduceri şi luăm în considerare doar pe cele care sunt cele mai atent şi corect postate. Vă rugăm sa citiţi cu atenţie cerinţele noastre înainte de a cere o nouă traducere (%r).
In Romanian exist a polite pronoun. I have decided to write the translation to the second person, singular, because all of the previous translation were made so. Just let me know if you would prefer the translation to be done using the polite form.
最終承認・編集者 iepurica - 2006年 9月 29日 12:12