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Translation - Italian-English - ciao fantastico sogno

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: ItalianEnglish

This translation request is "Meaning only".
ciao fantastico sogno
Submitted by simone7
Source language: Italian

ciao fantastico sogno!
la vita procede sempre per il meglio... un po' di stanchezza, un poco di stress.....
ma per il resto abbastanza bene!!!!!!!
non vedo l'ora di partire per il progetto.....
passa dei buoni giorni di divertimento ad amsterdam.... un bacio immenso!

Hello, fantastic dream!

Translated by Guzel_R
Target language: English

Hello, fantastic dream!
Life always moves forward for the better... A bit of tiredness, a bit of stress but the rest is well enough!!!!!
I look forward to leaving for the project...
Have nice days of fun in Amsterdam...
Enormous kiss.
Remarks about the translation
"La vita procede sempre per il meglio..."="Life always comes round..."
Validated by lilian canale - 29 August 2008 00:36

Last messages


27 August 2008 02:54

Number of messages: 3706
Line #3: the original is in 1st person, not imperative, so the translation should be something like "I'm looking forward to leave for the project...".

27 August 2008 08:01

Number of messages: 970
"I can't see the start hour for the project"

27 August 2008 13:29

Number of messages: 427
I would write what Goncin suggests or "I can't wait to leave for the project"

28 August 2008 04:39

Number of messages: 212
"but the rest is well enough"it should be "but for the rest all is fine"

28 August 2008 09:58

Number of messages: 9
but the rest is pretty well! I can't wait to leave for the project...