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Originaltext - Niederländisch - heeey Ja gaat lekker met jou dan?? Maar dat...

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Dieser Text ist in den folgenden Sprachen erhältlich: NiederländischBrasilianisches Portugiesisch

heeey Ja gaat lekker met jou dan?? Maar dat...
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Übermittelt von Fê
Herkunftssprache: Niederländisch

heeey. Ja gaat lekker met jou dan?? Maar dat is een dik punt ja dat doet me deugt!! haha. Ja precies heb wel zin in de stage! jij ook?? Veel plezierrrr
2 Februar 2008 21:51

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2 Februar 2008 23:25

Anzahl der Beiträge: 1014
I don't get the meaning of this:
"Maar dat is een dik punt, ja dat doet me deugt!"

You need to see the context to know the meaning.

2 Februar 2008 23:48

Anzahl der Beiträge: 1227
How's that when translated in English Tristan?

3 Februar 2008 00:22

Anzahl der Beiträge: 1014
1) It's Nathan, not Tristan
2) I can translate it, but the sentence I've mentioned.. I can't translate it, because I don't know the context..

If I translate it into english it is "a big point/mark" but that isn't the meaning of course.

I think this would be the correct translation though:
The sentences are a bit confusing too, no marks.
"Ja precies heb wel zin in de stage" could mean:
"Ja precies. Ik heb wel zin in de stage" or "Ja, ik heb precies wel zin in de stage"
If it is the first sentence then it would be: "Yes, correctly! I really would like to have teaching practice."
Second: "I think I would like to have teaching practice!"

So, this would be it:

"hey, yes I am doing fine and you? There you've got a point, yeah, I like it!!! Haha,
1) I think I would like to have teaching practice, you too?
2) Yes, exactly! I would like to have teaching practice, you too?

3 Februar 2008 00:36

Anzahl der Beiträge: 1227
Okay Nathan

We could send a message to Fê asking for a context or to check her sources.

Sorry for calling you Tristan, I had forgotten your name

3 Februar 2008 09:47

Anzahl der Beiträge: 2481
Hav you sent a message to Fê Angelus?

3 Februar 2008 14:44

Anzahl der Beiträge: 1014
I don't think Fê will know the meaning of the text, she's Brazilian, so when she knew the meaning of the context, she wouldn't be on cucumis to ask for a translation ;-)

3 Februar 2008 15:19

Anzahl der Beiträge: 2481
then this text will be translated with alternatives and explanations in the comments

8 Februar 2008 16:31

Anzahl der Beiträge: 121
what about my contribution?

hey, yes I am doing fine and you?
But that is "a great tip", yeah, I like it!!! Haha,
Yes, exactly! I would like to have teaching practice/training*, you too?

*it depends on the context...

8 Februar 2008 16:36

Anzahl der Beiträge: 2481
It will be translated into Brasilian hitchcock

8 Februar 2008 17:12

casper tavernello
Anzahl der Beiträge: 5057
Wow! A new language: Brazilian Hitchcock. I'm kidding, smy. But next time, please use the words brazilian-Portuguese(or just: Portuguese).

8 Februar 2008 17:38

Anzahl der Beiträge: 2481
Brazilian Hitchcock!
Thank you for the warning casper , I should be more careful when writing names , some time ago I was about to get into a big trouble because of this

9 Februar 2008 00:09

Anzahl der Beiträge: 121
I know was just a contribution for what Tristangun (Natan) started in his post...

thank you!!!

9 Februar 2008 08:05

Anzahl der Beiträge: 2481
sorry hitchcock, of course you can go on as you wish