Cucumis - Gratis on-line vertaal dienst
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Vertaling - Engels-Hindi - Native language

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Aangevraagde vertalingen: IersKoerdisch

Categorie Betekenissen - Computers/Internet

Native language
Opgestuurd door cucumis
Uitgangs-taal: Engels

«%l» is my <b>native language</b> or <b>a language I can speak fluently</b>. I'm aware that the person who asked for this translation, wishes it is of <b>high quality</b> and <b>done by a fluent speaker</b>.


Vertaald door anup
Doel-taal: Hindi

«%l» मेरी <b>मातृभाषा</b> है अथवा <b>ऐसी भाषा है, जो मैं अच्छी तरह से समझता हूँ</b>। मुझे विदित है कि जिसने भी इस अनुवाद की माँग की है, वह ये चाहता है कि अनुवाद <b>उच्च कोटि</b> का हो और <b>अनुवादक हिन्दीभाषी हो</b>।
Laatst goedgekeurd of bewerkt door cucumis - 20 september 2006 11:56

Laatste bericht


18 september 2006 09:26

Aantal berichten: 3785
There are several problems in this one.
%l must be kept in the translation, it's a varaible standing for a language name.
<b> and </b> must surround the same text in the translation too.
Another thing, I saw in other Hindi translations that there is no space between the en of the sentence and the final point "।". Is there an official rule for it?

18 september 2006 09:45

Aantal berichten: 1
Will correct the translations.

the final point "।" is similar to the fullstop of English and French. When you finish a sentence, it must end with "।" - yes this is an official rule.