Cucumis - Gratis on-line vertaal dienst
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10Vertaling - Engels-Macedonisch - I need the opinion of the community

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Aangevraagde vertalingen: Nepalees

I need the opinion of the community
Opgestuurd door cucumis
Uitgangs-taal: Engels

The linguistic form of the translation is fine but I need the opinion of the community to be sure that the meaning is right.

Ми треба мислење од заедницата

Vertaald door sandra saska
Doel-taal: Macedonisch

Лингвистичката форма на преводот е во ред,но ми треба мислење од заедницата за да бидам сигурен дека значењето е точно.
Laatst goedgekeurd of bewerkt door sandra saska - 27 april 2007 17:07