Cucumis - Ingyenes fordito szerviz közvetlen vonalban
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Fordítás - Héber-Angol - בוא נשתה לחיים יא קומבינטור

Vàrakozàs alattFordítás
Ez a szöveg rendelkezésre àll a következő nyelveken : HéberAngol
Kért forditàsok: Hindu

Témakör Mondat - Napi élet

בוא נשתה לחיים יא קומבינטור
Ajànlo shirCucumis
Nyelvröl forditàs: Héber

בוא נשתה לחיים יא קומבינטור
Magyaràzat a forditàshoz
אנגלית אמריקנית

Let's toast to that, you fox

Forditva duhifat àltal
Forditando nyelve: Angol

Let's drink to that, you fox
Magyaràzat a forditàshoz
Fox might be replaced by any of the following words, for the lack of an accurate translation to the Hebrew word "קומבינטור":

Trickster, Snake, Weasel, Conniving, Smooth-talker, Sweet-talker...
It should be a POSITIVE word signifying someone slick who gets around, gets what he wants by knowing the right people, and pushing the right buttons.
Validated by Lein - 18 November 2014 14:40

Legutolsó üzenet


25 Àprilis 2014 17:02

Hozzászólások száma: 25
נשתה לחיים means making a toast, not just drinking. In English speaking countries people clink their glasses together and say cheers. In Israel they say לחיים, which means for life. And I'm not a hundred percent certain, but I think fox has a sexual connotation, and קומבינטור definitely doesn't. It just means someone who's really good at manipulating.

13 Július 2014 08:00

Hozzászólások száma: 7
בוא נשתה, ערמומי שכמותך