Can be made me an additional engraving on the pipe, in appendix the drawing of your model with 3 lines, and a compass to pose on a square. It is gift a simple engraving.
Can you say to me if you can make me the adjustment, and to be transmitted the price.
A great thank you.
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Demande d'informations
Senest redigeret af Francky5591 - 29 Marts 2008 12:00
We've got a special issue for that at : Texts that aren't correctly writen in the source-language have to be submitted in the "meaning only" request mode. This issue isn't used at any time by requesters, maybe because they think they master the language, but any time I (or any other admin here) see such texts (thanks to your notification about this one) I set them in the "meaning only" request mode.