362 gjuha e tekstit origjinal The applicant 8.Please indicate your overall evaluation of the applicant )Strongly recommended )Recommended ( )Recommended with reservation ()Not recommended
9.Please make whatever additional comments you wish about the applicant's potential for graduate (or undergraduate) study in Japan and potential for becoming a responsible, effective person in your country. Additional pages may be attached, and the back page is also available. Përkthime të mbaruara Кандидат | |
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339 gjuha e tekstit origjinal Secondary preservice teachers at Georgia... Secondary preservice teachers at Georgia Southern University have little knowledge of poverty or the lives of students who live in poverty. Preservice teachers rarely interact with others who live outside their self-reported middle-class status. In this article, the author examines the effects a study of poverty has on the philosophy and practice of secondary education preservice teachers. Përkthime të mbaruara öğretmen adayları | |
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257 gjuha e tekstit origjinal Tips on Problem control The following are points worth remembering in relation to Problem control: The categorisation of Incidents can produce a first step towards Problem definition.Problem Management therefore should closely relate with Incident Management with regard to establishing common Incident and Problem categories. Përkthime të mbaruara problem kontrolü | |
102 gjuha e tekstit origjinal Kjo kërkesë për përkthim është "Vetëm kuptimi". It is planned that the goods, should be ready... It is planned that the goods, should be ready packed tomorrow. Tomorrow in the morning I can give you more infomations. Përkthime të mbaruara paket | |
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257 gjuha e tekstit origjinal Fie ca sărbătorile de anul acesta... Tată bun, mamă iubită ! Azi e ziua potrivită să vă spun ce vă doresc, să vă arăt cât vă iubesc ! Fie ca sărbătorile de anul acesta să vă umple sufletul de bucurie, sănătate, împliniri,speranţă ÅŸi iubire... Iar MOÅžUL sa aduca cele mai dorite ÅŸi neaÅŸteptate cadouri voua ÅŸi celor apropiaÅ£i ...La MulÅ£i Ani!cu Sănătate!!! Felicitare de Crăciun Përkthime të mbaruara Guter Vater, geliebte Mutter! | |
278 gjuha e tekstit origjinal Kjo kërkesë për përkthim është "Vetëm kuptimi". Hallo I'm sorry I didn't have the ... Hallo
I'm sorry I didn't have the time to see you when I was in Spain. I hope you are doing good in Barcelona ;) How long are you gonna stay there? I'm going back to Ibiza this summer... It will not be the same without you there! It has been almost a year, but I still think about you! You are really a sweet guy. Love, Nina Before edit : Im sorry I dident had the time to see you when i was in Spain. I hope you are doing good in Barcelona;) How long are you gonna stay there? Im going back to Ibiza this summer... It will not be the same whitout you there! It has been almost a year, but I still think about you! You are really sweet guy. Love Nina Përkthime të mbaruara Ciao, mi dispiace ma non ho avuto il | |