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105991 sonuçtan 89361 - 89380 arası sonuçlar
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İngilizce This is an automatically generated Delivery...
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.Delivery to the following recipients failed.

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Türkçe Bu otomatik olarak oluÅŸturulmuÅŸ teslim
10Kaynak dil10
İngilizce never thought of it as a friendship in the first...
never thought of it as a friendship in the first place

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Türkçe evvela bunu arkadaÅŸlık olarak hiçbir zaman ...
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Brezilya Portekizcesi Meu calendário de aniversários

Estou fazendo um calendário de aniversário e gostaria da sua ajuda. Por favor,
faça clique no link abaixo e escreva o seu nome e a data do seu nascimento:

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Türkçe doÄŸumgünleri takvimim
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İspanyolca Y yo estoy aquí Borracho y loco ...
Y yo estoy aquí
Borracho y loco
Y mi corazón idiota
Siempre brillará
Y yo te amaré,
Te amaré por siempre.
Nena no te peines en la cama
Que los viajantes se van a atrasar.

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Türkçe Ve ben buradayım SarhoÅŸ ve deli ...
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İngilizce The survivors arrived in Makassar
The survivors arrived in Makassar, a port city on Sulawesi island, on Monday evening.

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Türkçe hayatta kalanlar Makasar' a ulaÅŸtı
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Romence ne cunoastem?
ne cunoastem?

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Türkçe birbirimizi tanıyor muyuz?
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Brezilya Portekizcesi Eu gosto de homens.
Eu gosto de homens.
Traduzir a fraze para Turco

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Türkçe Erkeklerden hoÅŸlanıyorum
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İngilizce Ä°n a small group , each person can discuss the...
İn a small group , each person can discuss the relation ship between a feeling and how it is manifested . It is ımportat to keep in mind that feelings are not bad. They are human and normal, and provide cues to sebsequent behavior. Some common feelings are as follows.

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Türkçe Küçük bir grupta herkes tartışabilir...
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İngilizce Dear Winner, Congratulations once again from...
Dear Winner,
Congratulations once again from all the staff here. For the avoidance of doubt,
your email address was gotten from one of the websites that you visited and it
emerged as one of the lucky winner emails. So in order to verify your winnings,
we need your winning and personal data for record and verifications purposes.
Below is a verifications/data form; please fill accordingly so as to proceed
with your winnings.

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Türkçe DeÄŸerli kazanan,buradan tekrar tebrikler
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İngilizce Pink Floyd dvd
Thank you once again for copying the CD's and DVD of Pink Floyd.
I still have not seen the DVD, no time, but the CD I have already listened. The wall is very good, and also the final cut is pretty darn good.
I continue to hold that for good music.
If you one time like to lend something from me, I say you, I have several good CD's

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Fince Pink Floyd DVD
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Latince les tribulations d' un Romain en Egypte
Marcus Antonius,qui Asiam et Orientem tenebat , Cleopatram,reginam Aegypti,duxit uxorem.
Contra Persa ipse etiam pugnavit et primis eos proeliis vicit.
Regrediens tamen fame et pestilentia laboravit.
Hic quoque ingens civile bellum commovit...
Augustus navali pugna clara et illustri apud Actium in Epiro eum vicit.
Itaque fugit Antonius in Aegyptum et sibi mortem dedit.
Cleopatra sibi aspirem admisit et venenum eam extinxit

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Fransızca Les tribulations d'un romain en Egypte
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İngilizce immediately you obtain the registration...

..then you forward us the copy which we will submit to our bank with your proforma invoice for the proceedment of you 100%T/T in advance wire transfer through any of our chosen bank above.

we are able to open and establishe our branch office in Congo in the year 2002 while REPUBLIC OF BENIN wich is our head office,of which right now, *********HOLDINGS is now exisiting also in Congo

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İtalyanca Ufficio in Africa
20Kaynak dil20
Romence desigur că eu
În timpul asta nu mă pot abţine să nu remarc ca un dracuşor că eu sunt in vacanţă şi tu munceşti....stiu sunt imposibil.

Tamamlanan çeviriler
İngilizce In the meanwhile I
İtalyanca Nel frattempo
Türkçe Bu arada
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Portekizce Ana Gui
Ana Gui
Olá, gostaria que me traduzissem o meu nome para árabe.

<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Tamamlanan çeviriler
İngilizce Ana Gui
Arapça آنا جاي
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