bilo bi mi naj bolje da te nikad nisam srela. jbg imam djete s tobam i to mi je naj veca greska sto sam ikad uradila. bjezi mi iz zivota jer za tebe ovdjen nema mjesta i nikad nece biti. dosta si dokazo kakav siiiii!!!
It would have been better for me if I had never met you. F*** it, I have a child with you and that is the biggest mistake I've ever made. Get out of my life because there is no space for you here and will never be. You have proven enough what kind of person you are.
Nota acerca de la traducción
"F*ck it" - swearword used to express that you regret for something but you can't do anything to change it
Última validación o corrección por lilian canale - 8 Abril 2011 16:42