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Franceză La spéculation, première cause du désastre?
Oui. Une dizaine de grandes sociétés transcontinentales tiennent ce marché mondial des matières premières alimentaires. Cette spéculation n'épargne d'ailleurs pas les petits paysans français et européens. Mais elle affame les plus pauvres du monde. Il faudrait donc d'urgence interdire la spéculation sur tous les produits de première nécessité.
Propos de Jean Ziegler à un quotidien régional français, au sujet de son livre "Destruction massive"

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Engleză Speculation, the first way to disaster?
Spaniolă La especulación, ¿primera causa del desastre?
Italiană La speculazione, causa principale del disastro ?
Germană Spekulation, wichtigste Ursache des Desasters?
Portugheză braziliană Especulação, o primeiro passo para o desastre?
Suedeză Spekulation, den första vägen till katastrof?
Olandeză Speculatie, een eerste stap naar een ramp?
Greacă Κερδοσκοπία, ο πρώτος τρόπος για τη καταστρόφη;
Daneză Spekulation, kursen mod katastrofe?
Turcă Çöküşe götüren ilk yol spekülasyon mu?
Limba sursă
Limba latină “Formatio illa non est fortuita sed fit ex certis...
“Formatio illa non est fortuita sed fit ex certis et necessariis legibus motus
זהו ציטוט של דקארט שלקוח מספרו של Regius 1654, הוא קשור בצורה כזו או אחרת לחוקיות ולבריאה ספונטנית

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Engleză This generation is not fortuitous...
Ebraicã חוקים
Turcă Bu nesil beklenmedik deÄŸil, ama...
Limba sursă
Engleză He is known for his meticulously fabricated...
He is known for his meticulously fabricated works, which often consist of surreal combinations of everyday images such as cartoon imagery, art-historical references, and children's toys. Jeff Koons was born in York, Pennsylvania, in 1955. His work has been exhibited internationally and his most recent solo exhibitions, all in 2008, include presentations at the Château de Versailles, France; the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago; and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Düzenlenen bir sergi bağlamında yapılan bir açıklamadır.

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Turcă Jeff Koons, titiz çalışmalarıyla tanınır...
Limba sursă
Engleză Human Encounter
As I came to Earth in 1981, I involuntarily came into contact with human race. Except for a few bright encounters, I found the rest, dark and ugly. “Human Encounter” is my diary of these encounters. This album is divided into two categories:

The “dark side” reflects the ugly experiences. I noticed that human beings have a tendency to call everything by a name and misunderstand it later. So I do not care what they may actually mean by a word like "evil"; but no doubt human beings themselves are the main source of terror, pain and destruction on Earth.

The “bright side” reflects the pleasures I encountered in this planet. I say no pleasure happens on Earth without a human medium; so the corresponding songs are dedicated to individual human beings. Of course at first sight, Earth seems physically alluring, but those are only temporary characteristics. The only immortal thing is what a man creates.

Now that I am departing this planet, I will only miss a few people like those I named in the “bright side”... Let the others putrefy in the abyss of time.
"Human Encounter" is a music album and this is the story behind the album.
I would be thankful if you also translate the title.
Please note that the phrase "Human Encounter" is a modification of "Alien Encounter". In "Alien Encounter", a human encounters aliens but in "Human Encounter", a being (here the storyteller) is encountering human beings.

Traduceri completate
Franceză À la rencontre du genre humain
Spaniolă Encuentro Humano
Portugheză braziliană Encontro Humano
Italiană Incontro Umano
Germană Menschliche Begegnung
Rusă Ð’ контакте с человеком
Poloneză Ludzkie spotkanie
Olandeză Menselijke Ontmoetingen
Suedeză Närkontakt med människan.
Norvegiană Nærkontakt med mennesker
Daneză Human Encounter.
Turcă Ä°nsan KarşılaÅŸması
Chineză simplificată 人之邂逅
Limba sursă
Engleză Notes on a Music Album #1
"Abrahadabra" is a reflection of my exaggerated personal feelings. It is the first endeavor to my idea of “pictorial rock” - i.e. composition of sounds that recite a sequence of mental pictures. Actually all of these instrumental tracks have a real-life story behind them. There are very vague allusions to these stories in the CD booklet. e.g. “Route” is the story of a death ceremony and recites the mourning over the dead in a way that is done in eastern culture. Or “Told to the Bird” is the story of my own confession to a bunch of flying birds in a ritualistic way... In one sentence, while composing this album, I felt very lovesick, idealist and outraged.
"Abrahadabra" is name of a music album. Please don't translate it.

Traduceri completate
Spaniolă Comentario sobre un Álbum musical #1
Italiană "Abrahadabra"
Rusă Notes on a Music Album #1
Franceză Notes de l'album musical 1
Olandeză Notities over Muziek Album #1
Poloneză Komentarz do muzycznego albumu #1
Suedeză Anteckningar kring ett musikalbum #1
Germană Anmerkungen zu einem Musikalbum Nr. 1
Norvegiană Notater om et musikkalbum #1
Daneză Notes on a Music Album #1
Turcă Bir Müzik Albümünden Notlar #1
Limba sursă
Română ÃŽmi place privirea ta când se pierde în a mea,...
Îmi place privirea ta când se pierde în a mea, îmi plac buzele tale când se lipesc de-ale mele, îmi place vocea ta când îmi şopteşte numele, îmi place parfumul tău când îmi penetrează nările... îmi placi.
Edited with diacritics/Freya

Bridge by Freya: I like your look/eyes when it gets lost in mine, I like your lips when they are pressed on mine, I like your voice when it whispers my name, I like your perfume when it pierces my nostrils/nose....I like you.

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Portugheză Eu gosto do teu olhar quando ele se perde no meu,...
Limba sursă
Engleză from now to eternity the black sad wings of...
from now to eternity
the black sad wings of destiny will cover the earth

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Limba latină ab nunc ad aeternitatem...
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Greacă "μη φοβάσαι.."
"μή φοβάσαι" μου είπε "εκείνα που 'ναι γραφτό να πάθεις".
Bridge by User10: "He said to me 'Don't be afraid of what you are destined to suffer"
"Fear not what thou art destined to suffer",(trans.)Jeffrey Carson, Nikos Sarris,1997, "The Collected poems of Odysseus Elytis", JHUP.

Οι στίχοι αυτοί προέρχονται από τη "Μαρία Νεφέλη" του Οδυσσέα Ελύτη. Θα το ήθελα μεταφρασμένο στα ΛΑΤΙΝΙΚΑ για εκπαιδευτικό σκοπό.

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Limba latină Ne timueris
Limba sursă
Greacă ''Ξέχνα όλους τους λόγους για τους οποίους κάτι...
''Ξέχνα όλους τους λόγους για τους οποίους κάτι μπορεί να μην πετύχει..
Χρειάζεσαι μονάχα έναν καλό λόγο που να συνηγορεί στο ότι θα πετύχει΄΄

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Engleză Forget all the reasons why...
Limba latină "Obliviscere causas omnes cur aliquid errari poterit...
Limba sursă
Engleză Notes on a Music Album #2
"Sovereign" is an instrumental recitation of Shahnameh (The Epic of Kings) i.e. an extensive Persian epic poem written by Ferdowsi as a collection of Persian mythologies. Here you will find western rock instrumentation with eastern flavor. Some songs, I think, are apt to be adapted for traditional Iranian dance; especially “Sovereign” and “Harem” tracks. Actually, I am looking forward to the choreographic performance adaptations for this work whenever possible. Imagine Iranian "Coffee-house paintings" and belly dance with distorted guitars performing cheerful rhythms... Unusual combination? No, to me that sounds all natural!
"Sovereign" is name of a music album.

Traduceri completate
Spaniolă Anotaciones en un álbum musical #2
Italiană Note ad un Album Musicale #2
Franceză Notes de l'album musical 2
Olandeză Notities over Muziek Album #2
Poloneză Komentarz do albumu muzycznego #2
Rusă Примечания к (музыкальному) Альбому â„–2
Suedeză Anteckningar kring ett musikalbum #2
Norvegiană Anmerkninger om et musikkalbum #2
Germană Notizen zum Musikalbum #2
Turcă Bir Müzik Albümden Notlar #2
Ebraicã הערות על אלבום מוסיקה # 2
Daneză Noter om et musikalbum #2
Limba sursă
Engleză - Focus can add to realism. Making ...
- Focus can add to realism. Making your subject sharp and focussed and the background blurry can add a lot of depth to a drawing.

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Turcă Odaklamak gerçeklik katabilir
Limba sursă
Limba persană بدون عنوان
خواهر عزیز و دوست داشتنی من آزاده جان سالیان سال کنار عزیزانت سلامت باشی و سرافراز؛ دوستت دارم. تولدت مبارک.

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Engleză Untitled
Limba sursă
Limba persană من Ú©Ù‡ بعد از سفرم خیلی انرژی گرفتم...
من که بعد از سفرم خیلی انرژی گرفتم و دوستان خوبی پیدا کردم، جای شما خالی :)

Traduceri completate
Engleză As for me, I got a lot of energy after my trip...
Limba sursă
Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Portugheză braziliană Nada se cria,nada se perde,tudo se transforma
Nada se cria,nada se perde,tudo se transforma

Traduceri completate
Franceză Rien ne se crée, rien ne se perd, tout se transforme
Limba latină Nihil creatur, nihil destruitur, omnia evolvuntur.
Limba sursă
Engleză Prepare for war, pray for peace.
Prepare for war, pray for peace.
I am aware of other variations of a phrase similar to this. However I am hoping for a more specific phrase that has the idea of praying for peace in it.

Thank you

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Limba latină Bellum para, pro pace ora.
Limba sursă
Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Portugheză braziliană Para cada escolha, uma renúncia.
Para cada escolha, uma renúncia.
Olá, Pretendo fazer uma tatuagem com esta frase, por isso escolhi 3 idiomas, para saber em qual deles a frase ficaria mais bonita!! TENHO MAIS INTERESSE NO LATIM!! e o inglês é apenas para servir de lingua intermediaria! Muito Obrigado!!

Traduceri completate
Engleză For every choice...
Limba latină Per omnes electiones recusatio est.
Chineză simplificată 每一次抉择
Limba sursă
Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Japoneză Hontoni anata no shiawase ga, watashi ni totte, itiban daiji
Uma amiga minha colocou isso como mensagem pessoal em seu msn e não quis me dizer o que significa.

Original romanized: "Hontoni anata no shiawase ga, watashi ni totte, itiban daiji"

Thanks to IanMegill2 for the correct script and bridge: "Truly, your happiness is, to me, the most important thing."

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Portugheză braziliană Para mim, sua felicidade é o mais importante.
Limba sursă
Turcă Bunu baÅŸaran* tek adam
Bunu tek sen yapabildin

Bunu derken bana ingilizceyi sevdirmesinden bahsediyorum.

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Engleză You are the one who could do this.
Limba sursă
Engleză Basically I have had gay friends and ...
Basically I have had gay friends and it doesn't bother me. I respect them as everyone has the freedom to make one's own choices and have his own attractions. I don't get any buzz from seeing guys and I wouldn't be into receiving or giving, it's just not my thing. I know I have never tried it, but this is not something that turns me on.

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Franceză En gros, j'ai eu des amis homosexuels et.......
Limba sursă
Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Franceză Etat dossier
Bonjour! Comment vas-tu? J'attends toujours l'argent. Le dossier avance bien, je rencontre le D.G. demain. Fais-moi signe, il faut que je voyage.
D.G. : Directeur Général

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Engleză Status dossier
Poloneză PostÄ™py w pracach
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