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Olandeză hey thais wat leuk dat je reageerd op mijn...
hey thais wat leuk dat je reageerd op mijn berichtje ..
het lijkt me erg leuk om langs om een keer te komen .. ik woonde in almelo maar woon sinds kort in deventer met mijn zoontje gabriel ..

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Portugheză braziliană visita
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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Germană luciana berichtet, dass sie in die 8.Klasse geht...
luciana berichtet, dass sie in die 8.Klasse geht und es ihr der neun Schule besser gefalle als in der früheren Schule in OberKochen. Bis zur 2.Klasse ei sie in Portugal in die Schule gegangen. Ihre Lieblingsfäacher sind Englisch, Sport und Deusch. Ihre Leistungen sind gut, in Mathe sei sie etwas schlechter. Mit den neuen Mitschülern komme sie sehr gut aus ,sie habe sofort Freunde gefunden.Alle haben sie freundlich aufgenommen.Sie möchte Polizistin werden,wenn sie aus der Schule kommt und möchte dafür viel lern.

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Portugheză braziliană Luciana
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Poloneză mÄ…ka ziemniaczana
mÄ…ka ziemniaczana

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Olandeză aardappelmeel
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Sârbă AS pa ZGAZEN.E moj brate.
AS pa ZGAZEN.E moj brate.

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Olandeză GESCOORD en daarna VERNEDERD. Oh brother toch
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Turcă ane napiyon ben iyim internette gircem uzeri...
ane napiyon ben iyim internette gircem uzeri girebilirmisn ozaman

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Olandeză mama, wat ben jij aan het doen..
10Limba sursă
Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie10
Turcă Yar Gitme..
Yar Gitme..

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Olandeză Mijn geliefde Ga niet weg.
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Ebraicã מכתב...
מה שלומכם?
השנה התחילה ושוב כל השיעורים והמבחנים...
בקרוב יהיו עוד חגים ועוד חופש.
המשלחת מגיעה אלינו ב-26 לאוקטובר עד ה-1 לנובמבר..
מתי אתם מגיעים לארץ?
אני כבר ממש מתגעגעת ורוצה לראות אתכם...
בקלרינט יש לי מורה חדשה מדהימה!
אני מאד אוהבת אותה, היא גם מאד מקדמת...
אוהבת המון!!
צרפתית מבלגיה

תודה רבה!!!

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Franceză lettre
10Limba sursă10
Portugheză Adoro-te muito
Adoro-te muito
Utilizaţi acest link dacă nu aveţi tastatură cu caractere româneşti".

Please, if you haven't got the right keyboard, use the link (above) to type your text in correct Romanian (using the diacritics when required). Any translation done without using these diacritics will be refused. Thanks.

<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

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Spaniolă te adoro mucho
Română Te ador nespus de mult
Arabă أحبّك كثيرا
Germană Ich verehre dich sehr
Limba latină Adoro te multo
Turcă Sana hayranım.
Franceză Je t'adore
Limba sursă
Engleză The goodright initiative Is currently undergoing ...
The Goodright initiative is currently undergoing paperwork before its launch. You can begin your registration process by filling the form below

Best Regards,
The Goodright Team
This is a temporary message that I'm using for a non-profit organization. Our organization cannot launch (start) the website until it has completed the necessary paperwork. But we are allowing users to begin the registering process so that when we launch our non-profit organization, they will be notified. I already have the English and Spanish translation. The dialects of French, Arabic and Chinese does not matter for us. Thanks for any assistance.

** The GoodRight initiative... Goodright is the name, the article (THE) and (INITIATIVE) should be translated. e.g. "LA INICIATIVA GOODRIGHT"

Traduceri completate
Franceză L’initiative Goodright est actuellement en cours...
Portugheză braziliană A iniciativa Goodright
Chineză simplificată Goodright倡议
Arabă إن المبادرة الصحيحة الجيدة تمر بحاليا......
Limba sursă
Engleză 2. we need to install foundation, open * it wil...
2. we need to install foundation, open * it wil tell you that foundation is not installed click yes and they will install it

3. to install the steamrunner extract all the files to a temporary folder, ok now that that is done you should see a folder with the name of the mod you downloaded click on it and now you should see 2 folders Data Scripts And Sfx

5. open * and click game tools on the right you should see “***” click on it and in species choose the menu you want it to be in then click make plugin and a box will show up that says

1. extract the rar file to your td and double click on the * file and your done, the ship is installed
Pouvez vous me traduire cette notice de jeu en Français de France! je l'ai reduit au maxi ! merci ! les nom on eté mis en *** pour prendre moin de place

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Franceză Installation jeu
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Turcă Selam Işıl, nasılsın güzelim, sana göndereceÄŸim...
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Italiană se tu non ci fossi, io ti inventerei
se tu non ci fossi, io ti inventerei

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Spaniolă Si tú no existieras, yo te inventaría.
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Norvegiană Du har virkelig satt dine spor hos meg, tenker pÃ¥...
Du har virkelig satt dine spor hos meg, tenker på deg hver dag. Håper vi treffes snart. Stort kyss

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Spaniolă Tú has realmente dejado marcas en mí.
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Suedeză vi har valt Argentina.
vi har valt Argentina.

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Spaniolă Hemos elegido a la Argentina.
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Portugheză braziliană o q+ue sabe de São Paulo
O Bixiga é um bairro de colônia italiana muito conhecido por suas festas e comidas italianas e sua devoção religiosa.É um lugar boêmio onde misturou a cultura italiana e a africana e formou sua identidade cultural.

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Spaniolă "Bixiga"
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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Engleză they will reycle them in the factories and they...
they will reycle them in the factories and they will make paper,plastic and cartons again.

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Turcă Onlar,atıkların fabrikalarda geri dönüşümünü saÄŸlayarak...
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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Engleză close unused folders in history and favorites
close unused folders in history and favorites

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Turcă Kullanlmayan
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