a ja cu se snac za ostalo i tebi se dubogo zahvalit i oduzit se maximalno.lepoto. zelim da ti se zahvalim za sva lazna obecanja.necu ti smeta, a nadam se da ce mo se sresti. mislio sam da mi se neces nikad javit. ja treba sad da dodjem. nego nemam kod koga da budem neki par dana.nijesam ti nista l;ose u radio.
I'll manage everything else, I'll thank you very much and compensate you, beauty. I want to thank you for all false promises. I won't bother you but I hope that we will meet. I thought you won't ever call, so now I have to come, but I don't have a place to stay for a couple of days. I haven't done anything wrong to you.
Observaţii despre traducere
It's not well grammatically written in Serbian, and because of that, it doesn't have so much sence.
Validat sau editat ultima dată de către lilian canale - 25 Noiembrie 2008 20:37
He says that he will find a way for everything else and he will be deeply thankful and will maximaly acquit or pay off for everything she has done to/for him.
I hope that I explained this line.