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Traducerea - Engleză-Finlandeză - need for closure?

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Acest text vă stă la dispoziţie în următoarele limbi: EnglezăFinlandeză

need for closure?
Înscris de johannah
Limba sursă: Engleză

Hi! how are you doing? and how is the baby doing? have you been to the doctor again?
I believe if possible we might meet in Dec so we can talk about this situation.
Also I need to get a closure of what's going on.
take care, no drinking alcohol... be well
Observaţii despre traducere
<edit> "alchol" with "alcohol"</edit>

Tarve päästä lopputulokseen?

Tradus de itsatrap100
Limba ţintă: Finlandeză

Moi! Miten sinulla menee? Mitä vauvalle kuuluu? Oletko käynyt lääkärillä taas? Uskon, että ahdollisesti voisimme tavata joulukuussa,voidaksemme keskustella tästä tilanteesta. Myös minä haluan päästä asiassa ratkaisuun, pitää huolta, olla juomatta alkoholia... Voi hyvin!
Validat sau editat ultima dată de către Donna22 - 16 Februarie 2010 20:41

Ultimele mesaje


23 Februarie 2010 18:40

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 279
a note: mahdollisesti in sentence 4, että mahdollisesti voisimme...