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Traduction - Danois-Anglais - To digte

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Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: DanoisAnglais

Catégorie Poésie

To digte
Proposé par OlleBolle
Langue de départ: Danois


Levende morgen,
skil surt fra sødt
og inderst fra yderst,
lad lysets knive skrabe bort
mit inderste sure hovmod,
at jeg kan frygte
når frygtens time slår,
at jeg kan høre
hvor jeg skal falde ind
når den store musik begynder.


Giv mig i dag
Mit brød at smøre.
Blødt og strengt skal mødes
i mine hænder
og smørrets solskin overvælde
brødets mørke.
Lad mig røre ved det vi lever af,
brunt brød, gult smør,

Two poems

Traduit par pias
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

Morning prayers:

Living morning,
separate sour from sweet
and farthest in from farthest out,
let the knives of light scrape away
my innermost surly arrogance,
that I may fear
when the hour of fear tolls,
that I may hear
how I shall join in
when the great music begins.

Table prayers:

Give me today
my bread to butter.
Soft and stern shall meet
in my hands
and the butter's sunshine overwhelm
the bread's darkness.
Let me touch what we live from,
brown bread, yellow butter,
Dernière édition ou validation par lilian canale - 20 Septembre 2008 01:35

Derniers messages


18 Septembre 2008 04:38

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Hi Pia,

I think we will need some help on this.

CC: Anita_Luciano wkn

18 Septembre 2008 09:18

Nombre de messages: 332
Poetry is hard. I think the following covers the Danish meaning:

Morning prayers:

Living morning,
separate sour from sweet
and farthest in from farthest out,
let the knives of light scrape away
my innermost surly arrogance,
that I may fear
when the hour of fear tolls,
that I may hear
how I shall join in
when the great music begins.

Table prayers:

Give me today
my bread to butter.
Soft and stern shall meet
in my hands
and the butter's sunshine overwhelm
the bread's darkness.
Let me touch what we live from,
brown bread, yellow butter,

18 Septembre 2008 12:21

Nombre de messages: 8113
Oops, that's much better wkn ...THANKS

I like to use your version and transfer you 1/2 the points, ok?

CC: lilian canale wkn

18 Septembre 2008 13:08

Nombre de messages: 332
Feel free to use it, never mind the points, it was my pleasure to help.

CC: lilian canale

18 Septembre 2008 13:23

Nombre de messages: 8113

18 Septembre 2008 13:24

Nombre de messages: 8113
shall I edit?

18 Septembre 2008 14:48

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972

18 Septembre 2008 14:53

Nombre de messages: 8113
Ok, it's done!

18 Septembre 2008 21:00

Nombre de messages: 8113

CC: lilian canale