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81 שפת המקור seminar... Unfortunately this was the only date when our Russian guest and the seminar room were available. informale, male speaking תרגומים שהושלמו Семинар... | |
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389 שפת המקור Web Resolution is a web based tool - designed and... Web Resolution is a web based tool - designed and operated to resolve open Billing and Processing issues. High level aim is to provide clear and specific visibility to outstanding issues with a view to resolving the issues in a timely and satisfactory manner with open - managed - and recorded communication to the benefit of all parties DAILY Notification will be via automated email alerts directly to designated employees assigned by each organisation. תרגומים שהושלמו Web Resolution ist ein webbasiertes Werkzeug für Abrechnungen | |
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415 שפת המקור CzekajÄ…c na spotkanie CzekajÄ…c na spotkanie
I lubię nawet czekać na Twoje wstawanie o szóstej nad ranem na to jak odczytasz moją poranną krótką wiadomość tekstową - niespodzianka z kroplą bólu - w języku włoskim w języku miłości Buon giorno, angelo mio
I lubię czekać na spotkanie to umówione na dziesiątą na święte nasze gadanie o wszystkim i o niczym bo słowa kolcem stoją a miłość - jak franca - gorzka
I choć rozum z sercem się biją wiem że nie możemy się więcej poranić bólu aż nadto w jednym tylko rozstaniu British English, please.
OczywiÅ›cie nie tÅ‚umaczymy wÅ‚oskiej "wstawki"...;) franca - dawniej smiertelna choroba weneryczna myÅ›lÄ™, że można to przetÅ‚umaczyć niedosÅ‚ownie, bo dziÅ› funcjonuje to sÅ‚owo w idiomatycznym, przenoÅ›nym znaczeniu: np. "damn" lub podobnie... תרגומים שהושלמו Waiting for a rendezvous L'attente d'un rendez-vous. Aspettando un appuntamento Väntar pÃ¥ ett rendez-vous | |
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566 שפת המקור The size of population changes as babies are born .... The size of population changes as babies are born and people die.When there are more new babies then deaths,the population grows. The population will stop growing only when fewer babies are born. Today, about 90 million people are added to the world population every year . The main reason for this huge growth in population is a drop in the rate of death .Fewer babies and children are dying young , and adults are living longer than ever before. Sewers and clean water supplies have improved sanitation. Fewer people , especially babies , now become sick and die from drinking polluted water . New drugs and medical treatments also have helped reduce death rates.
תרגומים שהושלמו Bebekler doÄŸduÄŸu ve insanlar öldüğü zaman... | |
453 שפת המקור cat_move.html <h2>Moving virtual Albums</h2>
<p>Only virtual albums can have a new parent album.</p>
<h3>Virtual albums to move</h3>
<p>Select one or several virtual albums you want to move. If the list is empty, that mean you have not created one yet.</p>
<h3>New parent album</h3>
<p>Select the new parent album (virtual or physical). If you do not select any parent, the virtual selected albums will be moved to the root. A album cannot be moved into itself or to one of its child.</p> This is for a sharing pics website
male gender for Hebrew, but you can add the female version in the remarks field, as it is addressed both genders תרגומים שהושלמו cat_move.html FR cat_move.html | |
203 שפת המקור ÐˆÐ°Ñ Ñе викам СтаниÑлав. ÐˆÐ°Ñ Ñе викам СтаниÑлав. Живеам во Македонија, во град Скопје и имам 11 години. Имам кафеава коÑа и кафеави очи и не Ñум многу виÑок. Имам ÑеÑтра Софија која е помала од мене. Домашно милениче ми е кучето Дора. Рмоето хоби е возење на велоÑипед. BE: jas sum
Jas se vikam stanislav . Ziveam vo Makedonija , vo grad Skopje i imam 11 godini .Imam kafeava kosa i kafeavi oci i ne sum mnogu visok. Imam sestra Sofija koja e pomala od mene . Domasno milenice mi e kuceto Dora . a moeto hobi e vozenje na velosiped. תרגומים שהושלמו Je m’appelle Stanislav | |