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Prevođenje - Bugarski-Engleski - zdravei maminko zlatna moia. Radvam se che mi...

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Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: BugarskiEngleski

zdravei maminko zlatna moia. Radvam se che mi...
Poslao morwenna
Izvorni jezik: Bugarski

zdravei maminko zlatna moia. Radvam se che mi pisa, dnes cial den chakax za sms ot teb. Da probvax ednoto bodi,no vsichko ostanalo na 16. Nie sme dobre, james tazi sedmica raboti bez men a az ymiram ot skyka prez denia, dnes barb mi pravi palachinki ot skyka. Mnogo te obichkam i cynki ot men i jameso

Hello, mommy, my precious.

Preveo ViaLuminosa
Ciljni jezik: Engleski

Hello, mommy, my precious. I'm glad you wrote me, all day today I waited for your sms. Yes, I tried on one of the Teddies, but all the rest on 16. We're fine, James works without me this week, and I'm dying of boredom all day long, today Barb was so bored that made me pancakes. I love you very much and kisses from me and James.
Primjedbe o prijevodu
"Teddy" refers to the type of lingerie.
The sentence "I tried one of the Teddies, but all the rest on 16" is literally translated, cause it's not clear what the speaker meant.
Posljednji potvrdio i uredio lilian canale - 15 travanj 2008 16:33