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ترجمة - برتغالية برازيلية-انجليزي - Referência: Apoio em Gerenciamento de Implantação...

حالة جاريةترجمة
هذا النص متوفر في اللغات التالية: برتغالية برازيليةانجليزي

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Referência: Apoio em Gerenciamento de Implantação...
إقترحت من طرف fernanda.fonseca
لغة مصدر: برتغالية برازيلية

Referência: Apoio em Gerenciamento de Implantação de Projetos

Prezados Senhores,
A company, sempre motivada pela inovação em seus processos operacionais e fortemente orientada para a identificação e obtenção de resultados próprios e de seus Clientes, sente-se honrada por poder participar das demandas desta grande companhia que se destaca no cenário mundial.
Certos de poder atendê-los em suas melhores expectativas, colocamo-nos à disposição para quaisquer esclarecimentos complementares que se façam necessários.

Reference: Support for Project Implementation Management

ترجمت من طرف lilian canale
لغة الهدف: انجليزي

Reference: Support for Project Implementation Management

Dear Sirs,
The company, always driven by innovation in its operational processes and strongly oriented towards the identification and achievement of its own results and its clients', is honored to be able to participate in the demands of this great company that stands out on the world stage.
Sure of being able to fulfil your best expectations, we are at your disposal for any further clarification needed.
آخر تصديق أو تحرير من طرف lilian canale - 26 نيسان 2010 03:20

آخر رسائل


26 نيسان 2010 02:38

عدد الرسائل: 33
its clients' ...
any further clarification needed.