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완성된 번역물

원문 언어
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원문 언어
이 번역의 "의미" 번역만을 요구합니다.
알바니아어 Sme gezojne as yjet plot ndricim,gezimin do ma...
Sme gezojne as yjet plot ndricim,gezimin do ma sillje vec ti shpirti im,per mua sdo kishte asgje rendesi,vec ty te kisha pran pergjithnji.

완성된 번역물
이탈리아어 Non mi danno gioia...
원문 언어
알바니아어 naten e mire zemra ime je shume i mire
naten e mire zemra ime je shume i mire

완성된 번역물
이탈리아어 buona notte
영어 Good night!
원문 언어
프랑스어 Ne vous abaissez pas à parler vulgairement !
Ne vous abaissez pas à parler vulgairement !
Je lance une immense traduction d'une phrase morale.
J'ai pensé que culturellement ça peut-être intéressant...
[J'accepte toutes les formes d'anglais et d'arabe].
Je le traduirais moi-même en Créole Martiniquais pour en montrer aux francophones la proximité avec leur langue.

완성된 번역물
스페인어 ¡No se rebajen a hablar vulgarmente!
이탈리아어 Non abbassatevi a parlare in maniera volgare!
그리스어 Μην υποβιβάζεστε μιλώντας χυδαία.
브라질 포르투갈어 Não se rebaixem...
영어 Don't stoop so low as to lapse into vulgarity
일본어 下品な言葉遣いで下らない人間の真似をしないで下さい!
원문 언어
터키어 her zaman aklimda olan askima bir degil bin...
her zaman aklimda olan askima bir degil bin opucuk seni cok seviyorum gulum

완성된 번역물
프랑스어 Pas un, mais mille baiser...
브라질 포르투갈어 Não um, mas mil beijos
원문 언어

완성된 번역물
원문 언어
영어 More dramatic than diminishing the appearance of...
More dramatic than diminishing the appearance of spots and freckles. AMAZONIAN CLEANSING GEL skincare enables newborn clarity to emerge from within.

완성된 번역물
프랑스어 Plus spectaculaire que de diminuer l'apparition
간이화된 중국어 比减少斑点和雀斑更激动人心!
스페인어 Más drástico que reducir la aparición...
원문 언어
이 번역의 "의미" 번역만을 요구합니다.
이탈리아어 ciao bella mia,un bacio dolcisimo nele tue labre...
ciao bella mia,un bacio dolcisimo nele tue labre fuocose

완성된 번역물
그리스어 Γεια
원문 언어
영어 Request a new target language
Request a new target language for this text
Used for a button that allow to ask for another language about a text already submitted.

완성된 번역물
포르투갈어 Requisitar um novo idioma alvo
러시아어 Добавить новый язык
스페인어 Solicita una nueva lengua de destino
간이화된 중국어 申请新的目的语言
독일어 Neue Zielsprache anfragen
폴란드어 ProÅ›ba o dodatkowy docelowy jÄ™zyk
네덜란드어 Vraag een nieuwe doeltaal aan voor deze text
루마니아어 SolicitaÅ£i o limbă nouă
터키어 Yeni bir hedef dil talep et
스웨덴어 Begär ett nytt “vitt” sprÃ¥k
이탈리아어 Richiesta di una nuova lingua di destinazione
그리스어 Ζητήστε μια νέα γλώσσα-στόχο
체코어 Žádost o nový cílový jazyk
덴마크어 Anmod om nyt mÃ¥l-sprog
카탈로니아어 Demana una nova llengua de destí
브라질 포르투갈어 Solicite um novo idioma alvo
우크라이나어 Додати нову мову перекладу
프랑스어 demander une nouvelle langue cible
세르비아어 Tražite novi ciljni jezik
불가리아어 Добави нов език за този текст
아라비아어 طلب لغة هدف جديدة
핀란드어 Pyyntö uudesta kohdekielestä
에스페란토어 Petu novan cel-lingvon
헝가리어 Kérjen egy uj cél nyelvet ehhez a szöveghez
크로아티아어 novi ciljni jezik
일본어 新たな目的言語を要請
전통 중국어 要求其他語种的翻譯
네팔어 नयाँ भाषा अनुरोध
리투아니아어 PapraÅ¡yti vertimo kita kalba
보스니아어 zahtjev za novi ciljni jezik
알바니아어 Kërkesë për nje gjuhe tjetër për këtë tekst
히브리어 בקש שפת מטרה חדשה.
노르웨이어 Spør etter et nyt "hvitt" sprÃ¥k
에스토니아어 Taotle uut sihtkeelt selle teksti jaoks
한국어 새로운 타켓 언어 요청하기
슬로바키아어 ŽiadaÅ¥ nový cieľový jazyk pre tohto textu.
라틴어 Sollicitate novam linguam-scopum
클린곤어 latlh Hol chel
페르시아어 درخواست یک زبان مقصد جدید
인도네시아어 Permohonan target bahasa baru
아이슬란드어 Þýða á annað tungumál
라트비아어 Pievienot jaunu valodu
아일랜드어 Cuir iarratas isteach ar teanga targéid nua
그루지야어 მოთხოვნა სხვა ენებზე
타이어 ร้องขอภาษาใหม่
베트남어 Yêu cầu chuyển ngữ
원문 언어
이 번역의 "의미" 번역만을 요구합니다.
라틴어 Fas- Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum
Fas- Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum

완성된 번역물
그리스어 Ο θεικός νόμος λέει
영어 Ignem æternum
원문 언어
영어 I should have found out this relation has no...
I should have found out this relation has no end!! Ä°t is no use what we do.. You and me, can not become we..!

완성된 번역물
터키어 should have found out this relation has no end!!
프로젝트 - Turkish Christian News Paper 원문 언어
영어 Freedom for Last Three Korean Hostages
Taliban militants in Afghanistan have released the last three South Korean hostages

Thursday after freeing 16 of the 19 South Korean hostages over the last two days in separate rounds of handovers.

A rebel negotiator told Agence France-Presse that the Taliban had handed over four hostages

to Afghan tribal leaders earlier on Thursday while the remaining three were released later on Thursday afternoon.

An Associated Press reporter who witnessed all three of Wednesday's handovers also saw the

morning handover of two men and two women to the officials of the International Committee of the Red Cross on a road in central Afghanistan's Janda area.

"They (the hostages) are in different locations and we have to bring them to one place before handing them over," said Taliban negotiator Qari Mohammad Bashir, who was involved in a series of meetings with a South Korean delegation to free the aid workers, according to AFP.

South Korean presidential spokesman '%s' said Thursday that once free, the group would head to Kabul before returning home via Dubai, putting an end to a six-week hostage crisis that began with the abduction of the original group of 23 that was travelling by bus in the insurgency-plagued Ghazni province to provide free medical services to poor Afghan citizens.

Since the July 19 abduction – the largest abduction of foreigners in Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001 – two male hostages have been killed. The leader of the group, '%1', was found dead on July 25, and the body of 29-year-old '%2' was found July 30. Prior to the latest releases, two females – 37-year-old '%3' and 32-year-old '%4' – were freed on Aug. 13.

The latest releases occurred a day after the Taliban and South Korea struck a deal in which Korea promised to withdraw its 200 troops from Afghanistan by the end of the year and to block South Korean Christian missionaries from working in the country. The rebels had reportedly foregone their original demand for a prisoner exchange.

Although the South Korea presidential spokesman said Tuesday it may take some time before the actual releases take place, the first set of hostages – three women – was released the next day in the village of Qala-e-Kazi and was followed several hours later by the release of one man and four women in a desert close to Shah Baz. As evening approached, four more hostages – one man and three women – were handed over on a main road about 30 miles from Ghazni, according to The Associated Press.

Sammul Presbyterian Church in '%b', South Korea, the home church of the Korean hostages, has identified the 12 released as '%n'.

The identities of the most recently freed hostages have not yet been confirmed.

[Christian Today correspondent '%m' in Washington, USA contributed to this report]

완성된 번역물
터키어 Son Üç Koreli Rehineye Özgürlük
원문 언어
이탈리아어 ciao amore mio che fai di bello come stai
ciao amore mio che fai di bello come stai
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Utilizaţi acest link dacă nu aveţi tastatură cu caractere româneşti.

완성된 번역물
루마니아어 Bună, iubirea mea
원문 언어
영어 Nowhere is a place.
Nowhere is a place.

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