Wpisz swój numer gg albo email. Możesz wpisać to i to, tylko po co? Zalecam również podać własną, unikalną nazwę procesu (3-12 znaków). Np. svchost, sys32 czy services. Ma to na celu utrudnienie wywalenia keya.
write down your gg number or your email. You can write this..
write down your gg number or your email. You can write this and that, but for what purpose? I also recommend giving your own and unique access name (3 to 12 characters). For example: svhost, sys32 or services. The purpose of this is to reduce the risk of finding out the key.
kafetzou에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2007년 6월 18일 16:40
Give your gg number or mail adress. You can give both, but why? I recomend give own, nonsuchly name of process (3-12 sings) e.g. svchost, sys32 or services. It;s for made difficult cast key away.