I already had a quick look at it, but the Dutch is quite specialized language :-/.
let me give you a bridge, my Turkish is not good enough for this one .
1, Wiegen van de schouders 6 keer om en om en 1 keer gelijktijdig
Rock (or slowly shake) the shoulders 6 times one after the other and once both at the same time.
Effleurage decollete om de schouders zonder druk naar het achterhoofdbeen, langs de halswervels naar beneden en afvoeren over de schouders 3 keer.
(slowly touch with your fingers) the clevage (=the bare-neck), (move to) the shoulders without pressure go to the occiput (= the bone of your neck) and 'finish'/'take away (the stress I guess?) over the shoulders 3 times.