Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
. .

Completed translations

Tìm kiếm
Source language
Target language

Results 71881 - 71900 of about 105991
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Source language
Romanian Mi-e dor de tine!
Mi-e dor de tine! Nu vreau să mă ţii în braţe, dar nu stiu ce să zic.

Completed translations
English I miss you!
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Irmãos pela eternidade
Irmãos pela eternidade
Olá boa tarde!

Eu e meu irmão decidimos fazer uma tattoo com a frase “Irmãos pela eternidade” que representa nossa união nesta e em outras vidas...
E em húngaro para ficar com a cara da nossa família, mas como a única que ainda sabe húngaro (nossa bisavó) não consegue mais traduzir uma palavra se quer, pedimos ajuda de vocês....

Grata pela atenção.

Eléa Kiss

Completed translations
English Brothers forever
Hungarian mindörökké testvérek
Source language
Turkish sen dunyada insani ve sevginin kiymetini...
sen dunyada insani ve sevginin kiymetini bilmeyen insansin bir insani yakmakneymis bir gun anlarsin

Completed translations
English you are a person who does not recognize ...
Spanish Eres una persona que no sabe reconocer...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
German Schneideplatten
kommt aus dem technischen.

<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
French planches à découper
English Cutting plates
Danish Skæreplader
Romanian Tocător
Hungarian vágódeszka
Spanish Tabla de cortar
Dutch Snijplankjes
Portuguese brazilian Tábuas de corte
Italian taglio
Finnish leikkuulevyt
Swedish Skärbrädor
Portuguese Tábua de cortar
Polish płyty tnące
Czech kuchyňské prkénko
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Oi, minha querida, Tudo bem com você?
Oi, minha querida, Tudo bem com você?
inglês britânico

Completed translations
English Hi, my dear, how are you?
Spanish Hola, mi amada, ¿Cómo estás?
Italian Ciao mia cara, tutto bene da voi?
Source language
English definition of vital and secondary personality and...
Personality Traits: definition of vital and secondary personality and character traits that the ideal candidate would possess, including at least three important areas: interpersonal relations, mental processes, and the area of energy, anxiety, and emotions.
"vital", puede parecer muy básico, pero vital aquí sería "principal"? esto porque se habla de "secundaria"?
Espero vuestra ayuda.

Completed translations
Spanish Definición de los rasgos primarios y secundarios de la personalidad y del carácter
Arabic تعريف لمميزات الشخصية الأساسية والثانوية و...
Source language
Chinese simplified 我恨消防員

Completed translations
English I hate firemen
Spanish Yo odio a los bomberos
Italian Detesto i pompieri
Source language
Italian ciao mia cara Svetlana Se io potissi scriverti...
ciao mia cara Svetlana
Se io potessi scriverti nella tua lingua, non ti stancheresti mai di leggere i miei messaggi,purtroppo devo sempre ripetere le stesse parole e questo forse ti annoia.Tu sei nel mio cuore come il sogno piu bello della mia vita. Ti amo e ti voglio tanto bene figliola mia sinceramente
solo per far capire qunto le voglio bene

Completed translations
Serbian Ćao draga moja Svetlana...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Γάμος στην Ελβετια

Εγραφα για τον Έλληνα η ξένο υπήκοο

1 Ληξιαρχική πραξη γεννησεως
2 Πιστοποιητικό αγαμίας
3 Πιστοποιητικό ιθαγένειας
4 Πιστοποιητικό κατοικίας
(πρωτότυπα από το Δήμο και τα τρία)

5 Φωτοτυπία ταυτότητας η διαβατηρίου (για τους ξένους υπηκόους : Φωτοτυπία αδείας δαιμονης η παραμονής)

Τα 3 πρώτα έγγραφα δεν πρέπει να είναι παλαιοτέρα των 6 μηνών

Σε περίπτωση διαζυγίου
- απόφαση δικαστηρίου
- γραπτή συμφωνία για την επιμέλεια των παιδιών (πρωτότυπο)
- παραίτηση των ενδίκων μέσων
- ληξιαρχική πράξη γάμου με αναφορά διαζυγίου (φωτοτυπία επικυρωμένη από το ληξιαρχείο όχι παλαιότερη των 6 μηνών)

Completed translations
Serbian Brak u Å vajcarskoj
Source language
Chinese simplified 你好,我可以和你一起照张相片吗?

Completed translations
Serbian Ćao...
Source language
Italian Spero che non ti sei arrabbiata per quello che ti...
Spero che non ti sei arrabbiata per quello che ti ho scritto ma è quello provo per te veramente e che non ho mai avuto il coraggio di dirtelo da tanto.ti voglio bene

Completed translations
Serbian Nadam se da nisi ljuta...
German Ich hoffe...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek geia sou moro mou
geia sou moro mou
Admin's Remark.
This requst is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
Italian ciao
German hallo mein Kind
English hello my baby
Serbian zdravo bebo moja
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English i be waiting for a girl
i be waiting for a girl

Completed translations
Spanish I'm waiting for a girl
German Ich warte auf ein Mädchen
Source language
Romanian Ok, tu mă placi, şi eu la fel, dar nu cred că o să mă iubeşti.
Ok, tu mă placi, şi eu la fel, dar nu cred că o să mă iubeşti. Tu ştii de ce, dar cred că nu contează pentru tine. Eşti scumpic rău de tot.

Completed translations
English ok.. you like me and i like you too
German Ok, Du magst mich, ich mag dich auch,
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Albanian ç'kemi zemër a u zgjove me fol me ty të dua apo...
ç'kemi zemër a u zgjove me fol me ty të dua apo je zemëruar blero kthe sms
vorrei sapere il significato di quel testo

Utilizaţi acest link dacă nu aveţi tastatură cu caractere româneşti.
Warning : Any translation done without using the diacritics when necessary will be systematically rejected. /Atenţie, orice traducere de text, în orice limbă ar fi ea, care nu utilizează diacriticele folosite în mod normal în respectiva limbă, va fi respinsă sistematic.

Diacritics added/Inulek (10/05)

Completed translations
Romanian sms
Italian sms
10Source language10
Italian la bellezza esteriore con il tempo passa e tutti...
la bellezza esteriore con il tempo passa e tutti diventeremo vecchi, ma quello che resta sono i valori che ci portiamo dentro e tu sei una persona meravigliosa dio ti benedica...

Completed translations
German Die äusserliche Schönheit vergeht mit der Zeit und alle...
Albanian bukuria e jashtme me kohen iken dhe te gjithe
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