Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Dịch - English-Latvian - Comment-translation-field

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Requested translations: Klingon

Submitted by Cucumbergirl
Source language: English

You mustn't enter any comment into the main translation field.

Galvenajā tulkojuma laukā nedrīkst ievadīt nekādus komentārus.

Translated by durklis
Target language: Latvian

Galvenajā tulkojuma laukā nedrīkst ievadīt nekādus komentārus.
Remarks about the translation
This translation is addressed to everyone, i.e., is not limited to one person. If you would like to address one person, the better version is given below: "Galvenajā tulkojuma laukā tu nedrīksti ievadīt nekādus komentārus." If the original text presumes plural form, the translation should be: "Galvenajā tulkojuma laukā jūs nedrīkstat ievadīt nekādus komentārus."
Validated by Neko - 1 Tháng 2 2010 20:10