Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Dịch - English-Polish - Accomplished-translator.-translation.

Current statusDịch
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Requested translations: KlingonKurdish

Nhóm chuyên mục Explanations - Computers / Internet

Submitted by cucumis
Source language: English

Take into account the amount of work accomplished by the translator. If there are only a few words to modify or a point to add, we advise you to edit the translation and accept it. You won't get any points for editing but you get points each time you accept or reject a translation.


Translated by mjaniec
Target language: Polish

Weź pod uwagę ilość pracy, jaką wykonał tłumaczący. Jeżeli trzeba tylko zmienić kilka słów lub dodać, sugerujemy poprawienie tłumaczenia i zatwierdzenie go. Nie otrzymasz żadnych punktów za edycję, ale za każdym razem kiedy akceptujesz lub odrzucasz tłumaczenie dostajesz je.
Remarks about the translation
I'm not sure what exactly the word "point" means in this context. I've translated it as "period" (.) here.
Validated by cucumis - 28 Tháng 3 2007 20:39