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Dịch - Swedish-English - siebenburgen - Vampyria

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This text is available in the following languages: SwedishEnglish

Nhóm chuyên mục Song

siebenburgen - Vampyria
Submitted by Morgatarian
Source language: Swedish

Älvors dans över dimhöljd ängd
Fiolspel i natten
Förvridna träd som andas tungt
Röda blodsband

Vargens yl i månskenstimma
Djupa skogars lugn
Svarta skuggor stiger
Mot himlens mörka valv

Kom till mig, kom till mig, kom syster Vampyria
Ge mig evigt liv, kom Drottning Vampyria

Silvertårar, klagosång
Kluvna tungors hunger
Gula ögon, vassa klor
Nattens härskarinna


Translated by Porfyhr
Target language: English

Fairies dance over hazy mead.
Violin tune at night
Distorted trees heavily breathe
Red blood-relationships

The wolves howl at the birth of moonlight
Calm of profound forests
Black shadows rising
Towards the heavens dark vaults

Come to me, come to me, come sister Vampyria
Grant me eternal life, come Queen Vampyria

Silver tears, wailing
Split tongues hunger
Yellow eyes, sharp claws
Sovereign mistress of the night

Remarks about the translation
I rare kind of poem even in Swedish.
Validated by samanthalee - 24 Tháng 8 2007 05:49

Bài gửi sau cùng

Tác giả
Bài gửi

23 Tháng 8 2007 09:25

Tổng số bài gửi: 25
En riktigt fin översättning! :-)
