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24Translation - Engels-Arabies - when Allah shows up...

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This text is available in the following languages: TurksEngelsArabies

Category Sentence

This translation request is "Meaning only".
when Allah shows up...
Submitted by nourah
Source language: Engels Translated by pretender

Everything becomes easy when Allah shows up and He can make any desire come true instantly when He wants.
Remarks about the translation
I translated "hak" as "Allah" instead of God which strengthens the meaning.

عندما تظهر قدرة الله

Translated by jowllam
Target language: Arabies

كل شي يصبح سهلا ومفهوما عندما تظهر قدرة الله ,وعندما يشاء الله فانه يحقق اي امنيه لدى الانسان فورا.
Laaste geakkrediteerde redigering deur jaq84 - 10 September 2009 08:15