işe giriş eğitimi alacak personellerin isim listesi ve eğitim bilgileri ektedir. İşe Giriş Eğitimi ilk işe giren personele verilen bir eğitim olmakla birlikte; değişen mevzuat, Proje İSG/Çevre Hedefleri ve acil durum planı nedeniyle güncellenir.
Enclosed herewith is the list of names and the educational backgrounds of personnel who are going to receive commencing training. Besides aiming at training personnel who are newly employed, commencing training is updated by reason of changing legislation, Occupational Hygiene and Safety Project/Environment Goals and contingency plans.
ملاحظاتی درباره ترجمه
İSG = iş(yeri) sağlığı ve güvenliği = Occupational Hygiene and Safety --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupational_hygiene
آخرین دارای اعتبار یا ویرایش شده توسط dramati - 13 ژانویه 2008 04:56
The first one was not at the level of English which you were capable of giving to the translation. It is one thing to translate a "dry" translation, but the person who translates must know how to make the translation "live". The first time you were, excuse me, a bit lazy. This time you your efforts shined!
Thanks again David. While translating the first one, ı highly depended on the source text, that's the reason of its being 'dry', ı guess well, honestly, the latter one is better
I'm not sure that, "commencing training" is correctly formulated. I liked dramati's previous suggestion of "commencement training",which seemed to "fit" better.