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Translation - Engleski-Hindu - Registration-personnal-administrators

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Category Web-site / Blog / Forum - Computers / Internet

Submitted by cucumis
Source language: Engleski

You will be allowed to post messages here %d days after your registration date. Meanwhile, you can use the [1]forums[/1] or post personnal messages to [2]administrators[/2].


Translated by VSRawat
Target language: Hindu

आपको आपके पंजीकरण की तिथि के %d दिनों के बाद यहाँ पर संदेश भेजने की अनुमति दी जायेगी। इस बीच¸ आप [1]फ़ॉरमों[/1] का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं या [2]प्रशासकों[/2] को व्यक्तिगत संदेश भेज सकते हैं।
Validated by Coldbreeze16 - 7 November 2009 14:22

Last messages


7 November 2009 14:24

Number of messages: 236
edited the already accepted translation. I wonder how it was accepted! The mistake was minor, but it should have been edited. The translation was using 'until' instead of 'after' and it said 'these forums' instead of 'the forums'.

CC: lilian canale

7 November 2009 14:27

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
Who accepted the translation? Wasn't it you?

7 November 2009 14:32

Number of messages: 236
I don't ever remember accepting it :s I don't even see who accepted it :\ I just edited it so my name might be appearing now. :\

7 November 2009 14:34

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
Well, if you corrected it, that doesn't matter anymore