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Original text - Albanski - Bukur shumë goca tezes

Current statusOriginal text
This text is available in the following languages: AlbanskiItalijanski

Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje".
Bukur shumë goca tezes
Text to be translated
Submitted by alegiobatta
Source language: Albanski

Bukur shumë goca tezes
Remarks about the translation
Admin's note : Implicite verb => accepted request

<edit> "bukull shum goca tezes" with "Bukur shumë goca tezes"</edit> (thanks to Liria's notification)

Bridge by Liria : "You did it very good, my cousin!"
Edited by Francky5591 - 6 November 2010 23:48

Last messages


4 November 2010 09:49

Number of messages: 12396
Hi dear experts in Albanian!

Has this text at least one conjugated verb?


CC: liria bamberbi

5 November 2010 21:34

Number of messages: 210
hi Francky,

'bukull shum' is "BUKUR SHUMË"- which means "very good, wonderfull, beautiful."

goca tezes- means first cousin, the aunt's doughter.

so, it can be:
"My cousin is beautiful." or
"Very good my cousin", like "you did it very good"

5 November 2010 22:39

Number of messages: 12396
Thanks Liria!
I've edited, now there's still a verb missing, if Albanian languages currently uses implicite verbs, maybe we could accept it (I'd add a note in the remarks field)

I still need your help with that concern, dear.