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Original text - Persian language - براي سلامتي امام زمان 1 دونه صلوات بفرست . مد...

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Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
براي سلامتي امام زمان 1 دونه صلوات بفرست . مد...
Text to be translated
Submitted by aziz2007
Source language: Persian language

براي سلامتي امام زمان 2 دونه صلوات بفرست . مد يوني اگه اينو واسه بقيه ( سند تو آل ) نکني ان شا الله به هر چي مي خواي برسي
Edited by cucumis - 7 April 2008 18:08

Last messages


7 April 2008 12:14

Number of messages: 3785
I've merged the 2 reqeusts. One is arabic and the other is persian ?

7 April 2008 12:59

Number of messages: 3706

While you were merging the requests, I was fixing what I thought to be switched flags. From times to times someone asks for translations from Arabic into Feroese (or would it be Farsi?), but inverting the languages...

CC: cucumis

7 April 2008 13:26

Number of messages: 1524
It cannot be clear enough in the Arabic version of this side how to find Farsi because many times they put Faroese instead of Farsi, the last one said that she didn't find Farsi so she choosed Faroese.

7 April 2008 16:21

Number of messages: 12396
As this text is in Persian (according to alireza's reply under the persian version), it seems this text isn't Arabic, as Arabic and Persian are two different languages, and texts are exactly similar. So the Arabic version is erroneous and should be either edited, or removed

CC: cucumis

7 April 2008 18:10

Number of messages: 3785
OK then I've change this one into persian and reomved the persian. Thx alireza.

CC: alireza

23 April 2008 16:16

Number of messages: 2102
Please, can you do a bridge in English, please? Usually half of the points are donated afterwards. Thank you.

CC: alireza

23 April 2008 17:18

Number of messages: 49
It's a Farsi religional text about one of Muslim's Imams (leaders) who is named "Mehdi". The text says: "you must pray for that Imam and sent your pray to other peoples to receive health from that Imam."

24 April 2008 14:48

Number of messages: 2102
Thank you alireza, you will get half of the points. Bamsa can translated it now, his Faroese is better than mine.