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Translation - Spanish-English - Vengo de esa gota de rocio, que a empañado...

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Category Song

Vengo de esa gota de rocio, que a empañado...
Submitted by Cristian1985
Source language: Spanish

Vengo de esa gota de rocio,
que a empañado todos los sentidos,
vengo del frio, de las nostalgias,
vengo de esa lluvia pasajera,
que a empapado todos los caminos,
vengo de un hilo, y con sonidos…
vengo a contar contigo.
Remarks about the translation

I come from that dew droplet, which all my senses has clouded

Translated by rmichelena
Target language: English

I come from that dew droplet,
which all my senses has clouded,
I come from cold, from nostalgias,
I come from that fleeting rain,
that all roads has drenched,
I come from a strand, and with sounds,
I come to count on you.
Remarks about the translation
usando palabras con sentido poetico
made using poetic styled words
Validated by Chantal - 29 November 2006 15:18