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希腊语 Αυτό to σκ σίγουρα ο tom θα πάει χωριό. Θα...
Αυτό to σκ σίγουρα ο tom θα πάει χωριό.
Θα πήγαινα κ εγώ αλλά εχω πολλές δουλειές.

英语 weekend
土耳其语 Gelecek hafta bir parti duzenleyecegim
Gelecek hafta bir parti duzenleyecegim

英语 I'm going to hold a party next week.
立陶宛语 GalbÅ«t ji nÄ—ra labai nusipelniusi pasauliui, bet...
Galbūt ji nėra labai nusipelniusi pasauliui, bet aš ją labai žaviuosi.

英语 She may not be very honored to the ...
土耳其语 Çok pis intikam alırlar.
Çok pis intikam alırlar.

英语 They get filthy revenge.
土耳其语 umuyorum senin için hiç bir zaman geçici bir...
umuyorum senin için hiç bir zaman geçici bir heves olmam

英语 I'm hoping I'm never a fad for you...
波斯尼亚语 Ti uzbuÄ‘ujeÅ¡ moje srce, ljubavi moja.
Ti uzbuđuješ moje srce, ljubavi moja.

法语 Tu excites mon cÅ“ur, mon amour.
英语 You excite my heart, my love.
法语 Dans la corne de l'Afrique, la sécheresse est-elle la première cause de la famine?
Quatre millions de personnes sont là-bas sur les routes à la recherche de la nourriture. C'est vrai qu'il y a la sécheresse, les récoltes détruites, les guerres tribales, des états désorganisés, ruinés. Dans n'importe quel pays, face à la pénurie, on constitue des réserves alimentaires. Eux ne peuvent pas se les payer. Pourquoi? Parce que les grandes banques et leurs fonds spéculatifs engrangent des bénéfices astronomiques en faisant flamber les prix du blé, du riz et du maïs.
Propos de Jean Ziegler au sujet de son livre "Destruction massive", rapportés par un quotidien régional français

英语 Is the drought the main cause of starvation in the Horn of Africa?
巴西葡萄牙语 No chifre da África a seca é a causa primeira da fome?
西班牙语 ¿Es la sequía la principal causa del hambre en el Cuerno de África?
意大利语 Nel corno d'Africa, è la siccità la prima causa della fame ?
德语 Ist die Trockenheit der Hauptgrund für den Hunger am Horn von Afrika?
希腊语 Είναι η ξηρασία η κύρια αιτία για την πείνα στο Κέρας της Αφρικής;
荷兰语 Is de droogte de hoofdoorzaak van de honger in de Hoorn van Afrika?
瑞典语 Är torkan den primära orsaken till svälten pÃ¥ afrikas horn?
丹麦语 sult
土耳其语 Somali Yarımadası'nda açlığın ana sebebi kuraklık mı?
法语 La spéculation, première cause du désastre?
Oui. Une dizaine de grandes sociétés transcontinentales tiennent ce marché mondial des matières premières alimentaires. Cette spéculation n'épargne d'ailleurs pas les petits paysans français et européens. Mais elle affame les plus pauvres du monde. Il faudrait donc d'urgence interdire la spéculation sur tous les produits de première nécessité.
Propos de Jean Ziegler à un quotidien régional français, au sujet de son livre "Destruction massive"

英语 Speculation, the first way to disaster?
西班牙语 La especulación, ¿primera causa del desastre?
意大利语 La speculazione, causa principale del disastro ?
德语 Spekulation, wichtigste Ursache des Desasters?
巴西葡萄牙语 Especulação, o primeiro passo para o desastre?
瑞典语 Spekulation, den första vägen till katastrof?
荷兰语 Speculatie, een eerste stap naar een ramp?
希腊语 Κερδοσκοπία, ο πρώτος τρόπος για τη καταστρόφη;
丹麦语 Spekulation, kursen mod katastrofe?
土耳其语 Çöküşe götüren ilk yol spekülasyon mu?
罗马尼亚语 Gânduri !
Îți mulțumesc pentru toată frumusețea pe care am văzut-o izvorând din tine ! Voi fi întotdeauna aici pentru a-ți mulțumi ca mi-ai umplut viața cu trăire și sinceritate !

英语 Thoughts !
德语 Gedanken!
巴西葡萄牙语 "Amizade Verdadeira... Contigo estou em paz"
"Amizade Verdadeira... Contigo estou em paz"
Eu irei fazer uma tatuagem junto com uma amiga e gostaria de transcrever essa frase acima pro latim que é a língua que eu quero tatuar.
Agradeço desde já pela tradução...

英语 "True Friendship... with you I am at peace"
拉丁语 "Vera amicitia... cum te in pace sum".
英语 It shall never lose.
It shall never lose.
Van de uitdrukking "what the heart once owned, it shall never lose"

希伯来语 ×–×” לא יאבד לעולם
英语 Dear mother, Remember the moments that made you...
Dear mother,
Remember the moments that made you what you are today.
Cherish the joy of the present.
Look ahead to the new beginnings that life will bring along.
And always bear in mind that you are a very special person who deserves all the happiness in the world!
We wish you a happy birthday!
We love you.
Hello, it is my mother-in-law's birthday in a couple of days, she does not speak well english, I would like to surprise her with a persian birthday card. Thanks for your help!

波斯語 مادر عزیز، لحظاتی را به یاد بیاور
英语 Translation Vocabulary is a free wiki for...
Learn Languages Online

"Translation Vocabulary" is a free wiki for learning languages online. Share vocabulary lists with other students and teachers, contribute translations, learn using the flashcards, games and exercises, and obtain printable resources for classroom use as worksheets or exams.
This is some text from the front page of a website I built (for vocabulary exchange). I'd really appreciate any help, and look forward to contributing to this community myself!

Clarification: "worksheets" means sheets or learning exercises.

法语 Apprenez les langues en ligne
英语 The life 20 years ago was a bit different than...
The life 20 years ago was a bit different than now. There was friendship between neigbours. People didn’t steal as much as now. Women mostly didn’t work. They were at home to grow up children. Men worked for money and family.

There wasn’t big shopping centers. People bought needs in grocery and bazaar. Needs weren’t so expensive and there wasn’t economic crisis.

Couples worked really hard for their marriage. Divorce wasn’t the first choice to make. They didn’t worry about having too many children. People did agriculture and livestock. Farming was a part of life in rural areas.

They didn’t use technology in education. People could judge you by political views. People wasn’t as free as now. Summers were like summer and winters were like winter. Global warming didn’t affect the weather as much as now.
Please use the tense "Perfekt" in all sentences of translation.

德语 Das Leben vor 20 Jahren
法语 Bonjour, Je suis désolée pour les vins DEMETER...
Je suis désolée pour les vins DEMETER qui ont fermenté, nous vous les échangerons avec d'autres bouteilles. Il faut une chaîne du froid pour ces vins, ce sont des vins vivants, nous allons mettre des bouteilles à couronne pour ne plus avoir de problèmes de fuite.
En millésime, il reste
19 cartons de 6 bouteilles en 2004
24 cartons de 6 bouteilles en 2000
8 cartons de 6 bouteilles en 2001
2 cartons de 6 bouteilles en 1999
Voilà, j'espère avoir répondu à vos questions.
Admin's note : this translation request is to be released on the 8th of November

英语 Hello, I am sorry for the DEMETER wines...
保加利亚语 kiss
Здравей, как си? Радвам се да се запознаем и се надявам да продължим кореспонденцията. Разкажи ми повече за себе си и за живота при вас. Превеждам и пиша чрез преводач, дано е точно. Целувки: Стоян

英语 Hello, how are you? ...
俄语 письмо
英语 Actually, time itself is neutral; it can be used...
Actually, time itself is neutral; it can be used either destructively or constructively. More and more I feel that the people of ill will have used time much more effectively than have the people of good will. We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people.
Part of 'Letter from a Birmingham Jail', by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Any French is good.

法语 En fait, le temps en lui-même est neutre ; il peut être utilisé ...
保加利亚语 Всъщност, времето само по себе си е неутрално; то може да се използва...
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