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希腊语 και αυτη τη φορα δεν θα εχω χρονο να τον βλεπω...
και αυτη τη φορα δεν θα εχω χρονο να τον βλεπω την εβδομαδα που θα ερθει, παρα μονο 2 ωρεσ τη μερα
κι αυτο με αγχωνει
αυτος δεν το καταλαβαινει
νομιζει οτι δεν θελω να ερθει
δεν μου φτανει αυτο το 2ωρο και με τοσο αγχος ξενερωνω
θα στον γνωρίσω
εδω δεν εχετε ουτε διωρο καλε, εμενα θα δει?
αλλα αν βολεψει, θελω

英语 And this time...
英语 Welcome to my daydream: ...
Welcome to my daydream: "Avant-garde ancient art-rock from Iran".
1. This is a musician's marketing slogan and the phrase in quotation describes his music style.
2. The slogan compares musician's music style to a daydream.
3. "ancient" alludes to ancient eastern music influences in his music.
4. The music specific "art rock" term for each language could be found at
For Dutch dialect please use "Dutch"

俄语 Слоган
罗马尼亚语 Sloganul de marketing al unui muzician
意大利语 Benvenuti nel mio sogno ad occhi ...
丹麦语 En musikers markedsføringsslogan.
保加利亚语 Добре дошли в моя блян:
荷兰语 Een marketing slogan van een muzikant
瑞典语 En musikers slogan
波兰语 Muzyczny slogan marketingowy.
挪威语 En musikers markedsføring slagord
塞尔维亚语 Slogan
立陶宛语 Sveiki atvykÄ™...
法语 Bienvenue dans ma rêverie : "Ancien ...
巴西葡萄牙语 Bem-vindo ao meu sonho
西班牙语 Bienvenido a mi sueño...
希伯来语 התרגום שביקשת
希腊语 Σλόγκαν Μουσικού
德语 auf meiner Träumerei
拉丁语 Avete cum vigilans somnio...
克罗地亚语 Dobro doÅ¡li u ...
世界语 Surmerkatiga slogano de muzikisto
土耳其语 Bir Müzisyeni Pazarlama Sloganı
汉语(简体) 欢迎来到我的白日梦
乌克兰语 Слоган
马其顿语 Добро дојдовте во мојот сон ...
捷克语 Vítejte do mého snÄ›ní za bíleho dne
波斯尼亚语 Dobro doÅ¡li u moju maÅ¡tu
汉语(繁体) 伊朗的藝術搖滾
匈牙利语 Egy zenész jelszava
泰语 ยินดีต้อนรับสู่วิมานดนตรี
英语 A beautiful singing bird has stopped its...
A beautiful singing bird has stopped its serenade.
Silence is the only thing I can hear.
You will be truly missed.
It's about someone who's passed away.

波斯語 سکوت
土耳其语 AÅŸkım benim, sen benim hayatımsın.
Aşkım benim, sen benim hayatımsın.
Before edit: askim benim sen benim hayatim

法语 Mon amour
希腊语 που εισαι ωρε ζαγάρι?
που εισαι ωρε ζαγάρι?

英语 Where...
法语 L’amour est toujours passion et désintéressé. Il...
L’amour est toujours passion et désintéressé.
Il n’est jamais jaloux.
L’amour n’est ni prétentieux, ni orgueilleux.
Il n’est jamais grossier, ni égoïste.
Il n’est pas colérique.
Et il n’est pas rancunier.
L’amour ne se réjouit pas de tous les péchés d’autrui.
Mais trouve sa joie dans l’infinité.
Il excuse tout.
Il croit tout.
Il espère tout.
Et endure tout.
Voilà ce qu’est l’amour.

意大利语 L'amore è sempre appassionato e disinteressato
英语 Love is always passion and disinterested. It..
希伯来语 תרגום ל'מה היא אהבה'
英语 Trials - “Before the fruits of prosperity can come, the...
“Before the fruits of prosperity can come, the storms of life need to first bring the required rains of testing, which mixes with the seeds of wisdom to produce a mature harvest.”
- Lincoln Patz

法语 Avant de pouvoir cueillir les ...
英语 Notes on a Music Album #4
The moment I came out of my mother's womb, I cried. Now, after finishing "Iconophobic" I know why. That deep void was a reality that I lost. I followed some chords. Hoping that they lead to the umbilical cord...

I used screaming guitars, classical instruments, electronic beats and even sound effects to grumble, pour out my heart, mourn and rejoice repetitively.

This album is a concept album about fearing the world of imagery. I don't know if it is really a psychological problem but I liked the idea of morbid alienation toward images, icons and in general, reality. Iconophobic's booklet contains a passage in form of a circle that reads:

"Alas that man was free...When there was no image.
Alas that image became a means... for altering the reality.
Alas that reality... is itself, an imagery by man."
1. "I followed some chords. Hoping that they lead to the umbilical cord" means "I played some chords on musical instrument hoping that they help me find [my lost] umbilical cord"
2. Iconophobic is name of the music album. Please don't translate it.

西班牙语 Comentarios al Album de música #4
意大利语 Note su un'album #4
俄语 Музыкальный альбом â„–4
法语 Notes sur un Album de musique #4
瑞典语 Anteckningar kring ett musikalbum #4
荷兰语 Aantekeningen bij een Album #4
挪威语 Notater om musikk album #4
波兰语 Komentarz do albumu muzycznego
德语 Notizen zum Musikalbum Nummer 4
土耳其语 Bir Müzik Albümündeki Notlar #4
丹麦语 Notater til et musikalbum # 4
汉语(简体) Notes on a Music Album #4
印尼语 (saya tidak membela marni tapi marni hanya tidak...
(X)saya tidak membela (Y) tapi (Y) hanya tidak ingin (X)sama (Z)cerai itu saja. Jadi jangan sedih ya waktu masih panjang dan siapa tahu juga (X)bisa jodoh dengan (Y). Cuma jangan di paksakan sekarang. Soalnya masih ada (Z).
In Nederlands vertalen. Namen van betreffende personen zijn vervangen door letters X, Y en Z.

荷兰语 (Z) ishet probleem
巴西葡萄牙语 Muito obrigado minha afilhada querida! Também...
Muito obrigado minha afilhada querida! Também desejo que tenhas muita saúde e felicidade. Beijos com saudade.

意大利语 Molte grazie mia cara figlioccia!
英语 Pictorial Rock
I dream... and dream... and dream...
I live in my world of fantasy.
Walking in this world, I compose as I hear, and rest as I quiet.
Pictorial rock is a term I use for my music that is usually based on series of mental images, a nightmare or maybe dreams of a sound sleep... As a listener, you have to wait for the pictures to materialize in your mind!
1. "Rock" as a music genre.
2. "sound sleep": deep & peaceful sleep

西班牙语 Yo sueño ... y sueño ... y sueño ... Yo ...
意大利语 Rock pittorico
法语 Le rock en images
波兰语 Obrazowy rock
荷兰语 Pictorial Rock
俄语 Графический Рок
挪威语 Jeg drømmer...og drømmer...og drømmer...
德语 Rock-Malerei
瑞典语 Bildmässig rock
土耳其语 Resimsel Rock
丹麦语 Pictorial rock.
汉语(简体) 形象搖滾
意大利语 Ciao, qui va tutto bene!
Ciao, qui va tutto bene!

俄语 Привет, здесь все хорошо!
巴西葡萄牙语 Enquanto os guerreiros caminham pelos vales, os...
Enquanto os guerreiros caminham pelos vales, os dragões se preparam para luta!
isto é um hai-kai e gostaria que fosse traduzido!

英语 While the warriors walk through the ...
俄语 Пока воины идут
德语 Während Krieger durch die Täler laufen...
保加利亚语 Аз и ти сме всичко.
Аз и ти сме всичко.
Аз- в мъжки род
Ти- в женски род

英语 You and I are all.
希伯来语 הכל
古希腊语 Ἐγὼ καὶ σὺ τὸ πᾶν ἐσμεν.
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